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Giannetti, who pronounced the panegyric, is the justly-celebrated improvisatore so famous for making Latin verses impromptu, as others do Italian ones: the speech has been translated into English by Mr. Merry, with whom I had the honour here first to make acquaintance, having met him at Mr.

"Alas! has not a justly-celebrated writer, who would have died with grief, could he have known what disciples he was destined to have; a philosopher as perfect in sentiment as feeble in his views, confounded, in his eloquent pages pages which are as rich in matter as poor in substance the principles of the social system with the commencement of human society?

The justly-celebrated traveller John Thevenot in his Voyage du Levant describes the ceremonies of holyweek performed at Jerusalem; the distribution of palms, the washing of the feet on Maunday-Thursday at the door of the holy Sepulchre; and the procession to the holy places or stations performed by the Catholic Christians.

"Alas! has not a justly-celebrated writer, who would have died with grief, could he have known what disciples he was destined to have; a philosopher as perfect in sentiment as feeble in his views, confounded, in his eloquent pages pages which are as rich in matter as poor in substance the principles of the social system with the commencement of human society?

More than that, it leads you to the justly-celebrated little Hotel de France in Orizaba, the only good hotel in all Mexico. The imposing grandeur of a mountain peak depends of course greatly on its elevation above its base; for instance, Pike's peak, to the top of which I have been, is some 15,000 feet above sea-level, but only 8000 above its base.

BENJAMIN BOLT, Esq., the justly-celebrated trumpeter from the splendid orchestral band attached to Marnum's Buseum, New York city, for the past fifty years! FANTADIMO FANTODIMUS, the graceful and efficient master of ceremonies, whose efforts have been awarded by the entire available population of Blackwell's Island, in a series of resolutions of the most pathetic description!

Ex-Presidents and fellow-members of this justly-celebrated Hedonist Society," he began, and every word he said could be heard plainly, "we are here to-night in obedience to custom and in pursuit of pleasure.

Ivo Hobbs explained his grievance clearly, and when the defendant was called upon, Professor Thunder stepped forward and explained: "The defendant, Your Worship, is my justly-celebrated man-monkey, Mahdi, the Missing Link." "Is he a man or a monkey?" asked the court, drowsily, opening one eye. "He's a bit of both, but mainly monkey, Your Worship." "It's a lie, he's a man," cried Hobbs.