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"But think, Madame, of the sylph's form that it will give you!" replied Clotilde, in respectably good English. "I do think of it. Give me another cup. Mr. Fane, this is Miss no, I won't launch on that name. It's Italo's sister, who has saved our lives and become our greatest blessing." Clotilde exposed in smiling a fine array of white teeth.

Hawthorne, how can you be amused by such disgusting stuff?" She gazed at him inquiringly, with very blue eyes and a look of innocence, real or put on, then laughed. "I am, just. I can't tell you the how of it. Do you know Italo's sister Clotilde?" "I have not that advantage, no." "You soon will have, if you care for it, for she's coming to live with us." He stared.

Quickly she unfastened it and held it toward the outstretched hand. It was taken, it was held to Italo's lips while he made one of those deep bows that bent him double; then the stem of the rose was pulled through his buttonhole and secured with a pin from Aurora's dress. The great little man shook his locks and went on to the next subject. Aurora was impressed.

After dinner that evening, in the midst of Italo's brilliant performance, a caller came, a thin, oldish, English-speaking lady whose black dress made no pretense of following the fashion. Aurora had met her at Mrs. Satterlee's during a meeting appointed to raise funds for the Protestant orphanage.

Pray go on with your tasteful pleasantries, he said; 'I'm thinking I've heard your voice before. Upon which I shut my mouth and dusted down the opera-house on Italo's arm. I was crazy that evening, I guess, with the crowd and excitement and all. When I get to training, I can't resist the impulse; I don't know where to stop. But that wasn't enough to make him want to stick a knife in me, was it?

Estelle took Clotilde's arm, and I took Italo's; we separated and kept apart, and it was as if there had only been one couple, the same as there had been since the beginning of the evening." "I see." "I've been dying to tell you about it ever since, but I just haven't told you. I don't know what I was waiting for. I guess I was enjoying letting you stay fooled.