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Strophanthin may be given intravenously. One of the greatest cares in the treatment of heart failure in pneumonia should be not to give too many drugs or to do too much.

"You know, Daze," he said, "I got a feeling Fay's in the hospital, all narcotized up and being fed intravenously. The way he was jumping around last time, that tickler was going to cootch him to pieces in a week." As if to refute this intuition, Fay turned up that very evening. The lights were dim.

In sudden cardiac insufficiency, provided digitalis has not been given in large doses a short time before, strophanthin may be given intravenously once or at most twice at twenty-four-hour intervals. If, in this more or less serious condition of the heart weakness, there is great sleeplessness, a hypnotic must sometimes be given, and the safest hypnotic is perhaps 3 / 10 grain of morphin.

Strophanthus is given either in the form of the tincture, or as strophanthin. It has been shown that in neither of these forms, when the drug is administered by the stomach, is the muscle of the heart or the blood vessels much acted on. Compensation could not be restored by strophanthus. In emergencies of serious cardiac failure, strophanthin intravenously has been shown apparently to save life.

A lime has less than 30 milligrams of vitamin C. But to make a cold clear up faster with vitamin C a mere 30 mg does absolutely nothing! To begin to dent an infection with vitamin C takes 10,000 milligrams a day, and to make a life threatening infection like pneumonia go away faster might require 25,000 to 150,000 milligrams of vitamin C daily, administered intravenously.

The blood pressure is temporarily raised and the heart stimulated by these treatments, but epinephrin is not used so often for cardiac failure as it was a short time ago. The most satisfactory action, especially from the epinephrin, is from small doses frequently repeated. Sometimes in serious emergencies it has been found to be of value when given intravenously in physiologic saline solution.

They mixed six different strains of virus and gargled the extract, spraying themselves and every inoculated monkey they could get their hands on with the vile-smelling stuff. Not a sneeze. They injected it hypodermically, intradermally, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, and intravenously. They drank it. They bathed in the stuff. But they didn't catch a cold.

Whether digitalis shall be given at all, or how large the dose shall be depends on whether or not the patient has been taking digitalis in large quantities. He may already be overpowered with digitalis. In that case it would be contraindicated. Stroplianthin, especially when given intravenously, has been found to be a quickly acting circulatory stimulant.

The treatment of such an undesired behavior of digitalis is, of course, to stop the drug immediately, give saline laxatives, hot sponging or hot baths, nitroglycerin and perhaps alcohol. Strophanthus: Strophanthus cannot be compared with digitalis, except when the glucosid, strophanthin, is administered subcutaneously or intravenously.

As there is always more or less paresis and dilatation of the large veins of the splanchnic system, a tight bandage about the abdomen is of great advantage in raising the blood pressure to the safety mark. Strophanthin, given intravenously, is valuable as a quick restorative of the heart. Digitalis is so slow that it is of little value in an emergency. The camphor may be repeated frequently.