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THE VACCINATION OF HOGS WITH ANTI-HOG-CHOLERA SERUM. The vaccination of a hog by the single method consists in injecting hypodermically or intramuscularly anti-hog-cholera serum. The immunity conferred may not last longer than three or four weeks. The vaccination of a hog by the double method consists in injecting hypodermically or intramuscularly anti-hog-cholera serum and hog-cholera blood.

The treatment advisable for this gradually failing heart is camphor; strychnin in not too large doses, at the most 1/10 grain hypodermically once in six hours; often ergot intramuscularly once in six hours for two or three doses and then once in twelve hours; plenty of fresh air, or perhaps the inhalation of oxygen.

Such hypodermic stimulation acts quickly, and may be repeated every half hour for several times, if the patient does not respond. The solution should be injected slowly, and as a rule intramuscularly. Many times while other measures are being used to repair a broken compensation, camphor makes a splendid circulatory and nervous bracer.

Often, however, it may be administered intramuscularly with advantage in aseptic preparation as offered in ampules, at the rate of one ampule every three hours for two or three times, and then once in six hours for a few times, the future frequency depending on the indications. These substances certainly would not be indicated in high blood pressure; they are indicated in low blood pressure.

An aseptic preparation of ergot given intramuscularly is most efficient in raising the blood pressure and aiding the heart. One dose of brandy or whisky may do no harm. Alcohol, however, should not be pushed.

They mixed six different strains of virus and gargled the extract, spraying themselves and every inoculated monkey they could get their hands on with the vile-smelling stuff. Not a sneeze. They injected it hypodermically, intradermally, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, and intravenously. They drank it. They bathed in the stuff. But they didn't catch a cold.