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"You know, Daze," he said, "I got a feeling Fay's in the hospital, all narcotized up and being fed intravenously. The way he was jumping around last time, that tickler was going to cootch him to pieces in a week." As if to refute this intuition, Fay turned up that very evening. The lights were dim.

Flash the old viriler charm, cootch them up a bit, emphasize the delights of high living, but make sure they're compatible roommates. You could pick up that two-yard check from Micro at the same time." "You're an immoral money-ravenous wench," Gusterson said absently, trying to dream of an insanity beyond insanity that would make his next novel a real id-rousing best-vender.

We gentled the cootch and qualified the subliminals you know, 'Day by day in every way I'm getting sharper and more serene' but a stabilizing influence was still needed, so after a top-level conference we decided to combine Tickler with Moodmaster." "My God," Gusterson interjected, "do they have a machine now that does that?" "Of course. They've been using them on ex-mental patients for years."

A sulky-lipped sylph-figured girl two feet from him twitched medium cootch, he judged then fumbled in her belt-bag for a pill and popped it in her mouth. "Hell, the tickler's not even efficient yet about little things," Gusterson blatted, diving back into the privacy-yashmak he was sharing with Fay. "Whyn't that girl's doctor have the Moodmaster component of her tickler inject her with medicine?"

Coué mostly used 'better and better' but that seems too general. And every hundredth time it says them out loud and the tickler gives me a brush just a faint cootch to make sure I'm keeping in touch." "That third word-pair," Daisy wondered, feeling her mouth reminiscently. "Could I guess?" Gusterson's eyes had been growing wider and wider.

"Got to beat it, folks," he announced tersely. "My tickler gave me the grand cootch." "Don't go yet," Gusterson called, rousing himself with a shudder which he immediately explained: "I just had the illusion that if I shook myself all my flesh and guts would fall off my shimmying skeleton, Brr!