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I can conceive of no more degrading profession for a woman no profession more calculated to unfit her for being that wife and mother we talk so much about than the profession that up to a few years ago was the only one open to her the profession of husband-hunting. As a man, I object to being regarded as woman's last refuge, her one and only alternative to the workhouse.

Judging from my own experience with the archdeacon, I should certainly advise no one to marry. 'You are wise after the event, muttered Daisy, with some anger, 'but here is my train, Mrs Pansey, thank you! and she slipped into a first-class carriage, looking decidedly cross and very defiant. To fail in husband-hunting was bad enough, but to be taunted with the failure was unbearable.

Though Anabella would rather not have had another woman's children to manage, she was truly glad that all her anxieties in husband-hunting were over. Then Mr. Wharton came home with his son, who was still in a quite uncertain state, and it had been a question whether his shattered leg could be saved. But Dr.

She was a small, dark creature with bright, restless brown eyes set in a somewhat sallow face its sallowness the result of several husband-hunting years spent in India, where her father had held a post in the Indian Civil Service. It was one of those rather incomprehensible happenings of life that she had been left still blooming on her virgin stem.

Poor brainless, silly, pitiful Miss Greeb; she would have made a good wife and a fond mother, but by some irony of fate she was destined to be neither; and the comedy of her husband-hunting youth was now changing into the lonely tragedy of disappointed spinsterhood. She was one of the world's unknown martyrs, and her fate merits tears rather than laughter.

A flirting, husband-hunting little minx, she had fallen honestly in love with this big, blond, good-humoured Life Guardsman; and, incredible as it might seem to the world she lived in, remained so still. They understood each other marvellously well, those two.

What are its merits, in this respect, as compared with the old-fashioned theory that woman should be wooed, not woo? Even the most inveterate hater of husband-hunting must admit that, so far as the great end of matrimony is concerned, the two sexes nowadays stand to each other in a most unnatural relation.

She had also three blossoming daughters, whom she must manage to get out of the home before the plastering of the drawing-room fell upon the heads of their suitors; so that the ardour of her husband-hunting was one of the jokes of the State. Naturally, under such circumstances, the Witherspoons had to be treated with consideration by the Castlemans.