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We are caught!" cried Mr. Boom. "Come, let us see if we cannot break through this fence!" He rushed at it with his big head, but the fence was too strong for him. Into the midst of the wild elephants came the tame ones, with the hunter-men on their backs. The tame elephants talked to the wild ones. "Be quiet!" said the tame elephants. "You will not be hurt! See us!

Right there is the difference between the Laurence-and-you sort and the Hunter-men," said John Flint, obstinately. As for Laurence, he and Hunter met continually, both being in constant social demand.

Are there any hunter-men, with their dogs about? If there are I must be careful." "No, that wasn't a gun," said the monkey-doodle gentleman. "That was only one of the toy balloons in my window. I had some left over from last year, so I blew them up and put them in my window to make it look pretty. Now and then one of them bursts." And just then, surely enough, "Pop!

He turned toward her jocosely as the small emissary disappeared among the undergrowth. "I jes been tellin' these hunter-men, Meddy, 'bout how ye sets yerself even ter meddle with other folkses' mourning what they got through with a hunderd year' ago tormentatin' 'bout that thar man what war starved in the tree."

Tusker and the others banged into it, but the gate held firmly. "Well, if we can't get out, what are we going to do?" asked Umboo of his mother. "We shall have to stay here until the hunter-men come, I suppose," answered Mrs. Stumptail. "Will they shoot us?" asked Umboo. "I hope not," his mother said. But Umboo need not have been afraid of that. Elephants in India are worth too much to shoot.