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And if the heate at any time should in the short day waxe somewhat vrgent, the coldnesse of the long night there would easily refresh it, according as Henterus sayeth, speaking of the temperature vnder the Equinoctiall. Quodque die solis violento incanduit æstu, Humida nox reficit, paribusque refrigerat horis.

"I love to tease you a little sometimes; it keeps up the spirit of discipline and habit of subordination You will pass your time happily here having me to command you, instead of Captain, or Colonel, or Knight in Arms, as Milton has it; and instead of the French," he continued, relapsing into his ironical humour, "you have the Gens humida ponti for, as Virgil says,

She smiled, Sir, and said you were a Pedant; so say of me what you please, read Seneca and quote him against me if you think fit. I am, SIR, Your humble Servant. No. 159. Saturday, September 1, 1711. Addison. ... Omnem quae nunc obducta tuenti Mortales hebetat visus tibi, et humida circum Caligat, nubem eripiam ... Virg.

"I love to tease you a little sometimes; it keeps up the spirit of discipline and habit of subordination You will pass your time happily here having me to command you, instead of Captain, or Colonel, or Knight in Arms, as Milton has it; and instead of the French," he continued, relapsing into his ironical humour, "you have the Gens humida ponti for, as Virgil says,

If he sometimes appeared to ascribe importance too exclusively to the arts which increase the outward comforts of our species, the reason is plain. Those arts had been most unduly depreciated. They had been represented as unworthy of the attention of a man of liberal education. The expression opinio humida may surprise a reader not accustomed to Bacon's style.

The stateliness and gravity of the Spaniards shows itself to perfection in the solemnity of their language; and the blunt, honest humour of the Germans sounds better in the roughness of the High-Dutch than it would in a politer tongue. Omnem, quae nunc obducta tuenti Mortales hebetat visus tibi, et humida circum Caligat, nubem eripiam. VIRG., AEn. ii. 604.

Ecclesiae vero fundamina cassa vetustae, Culmina dissuto violabant trabe palambes, Humida contrito stillabant assere tecta; Livida nudato suggrundia pariete passa Imbricibus nullis, pluriae quacunque vagantur, Pendula discissis fluitant laquearia tignis, Fornice marcebant cataractae dilapidato.