United States or Niue ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Maddison, who had never seen the Hoopers' niece before, watched her with amusement, deciding that, distinguished and refined as the girl was, she was bent on admiration, and not too critical as to whence it came.

One of the ablest essays sent in, however, was a paper by Falloden on the "Sentimentalisms of Democracy" in which a reasoned and fierce contempt for the popular voice, and a brilliant glorification of war and of a military aristocracy, made very lively reading. On the later occasion, when Sorell and Constance met during the week, he found Radowitz in the Hoopers' drawing-room.

"I adored her mother! And Constance is a charming child. She and I made great friends. Has she come to live in Oxford for a time? Lucky Oxford! What with the Hoopers? Don't know 'em. I shall introduce her to some of my particular allies."

John's Gardens, had found their way to the house in Holywell, and taken tea with the Hoopers. Nora's mind, as she and her sister sat waiting for the fly in which Mrs. Hooper had gone to meet her husband's niece at the station, ran persistently on her own childish recollections of this visit. She sat in the window-sill, with her hand behind her, chattering to her sister.

These were approached in a similar way, and no less than three were obtained François making a remarkable shot, and killing with both barrels. A little farther down, one of the "hoopers" was killed; and still farther on, another trumpeter; making in all no less than seven swans that lay dead in the bottom of the canoe!

You're going, of course? Oh, yes make them take you! I hadn't meant to go but now I shall on the chance!" He grasped her hand, holding it a little. Then he was gone, and the Hoopers' front door swung suddenly wide, opened by some one invisible. Connie, a little flushed and excited, stepped into the hall, and there perceived Mrs. Hooper behind the door.

It was noticed with amusement that Pryce had at last found some one to whom he might talk as long and egotistically as he pleased about himself and his career; and kindly mothers had said to each other that it would be a comfort to the Hoopers to have one of the daughters settled, though in a modest way.

There dwelt my gudesire, Steenie Steenson, a rambling, rattling chiel' he had been in his young days, and could play weel on the pipes; he was famous at 'Hoopers and Girders' a' Cumberland couldna, touch him at 'Jockie Lattin' and he had the finest finger for the back-lilt between Berwick and Carlisle.

House recalled her thoughts. She remembered her purchases and Nora's disapproving eyes. It would be better to go and beard her uncle at once. But just as she approached the house, she became aware of a slenderly built man in flannels coming out of the gates of St. Cyprian's, the college of which the gate and outer court stood next door to the Hoopers.

Between two families, the Hoopers and the Watsons, a bitter feud had long existed, and from time to time men of each clan had fallen by the rifles of the other. The Hoopers were loyal Union men, and if the Watsons yielded any loyalty it was to the State of North Carolina.