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Then one Hilldrop, who had been transported about three years before from Exeter, for horse stealing, and had married a currier’s widow in Annapolis, had a mind to purchase him, but they could not agree about the price, whereupon he was put on board again, and they sailed from Miles-river.

Y'u see, I get him in the flapper without spoiling him complete." And at the word he flung the rifle to his shoulder and fired with no apparent aim. The running man doubled up like a cottontail, but found his feet again in an instant, though one arm hung limp by his side. He was within a dozen feet of the hilldrop and momentary safety. "Shall I take him, Cap?" cried one of the men.

Hilldrop," said the Reverend Mr. Goodloe, as he sat down beside the prisoner and began a whispered conversation with him. "The court have come to order. Shoot ahead, Jim, and tell us what Jed have done and how he done it," commanded the judge, as he tilted back his chair, took out his knife and began to whittle a stick of bright red cedar.

The assaults and robbery took place, as near as I can say, about fourteen days ago." Gagaoola, also wife of Indabezimbi, states: "I have heard all that Nongena has told you. Her words are true; I was present when the assault and robbery took place." These statements were made to us at Hilldrop, Newcastle, Natal, on the Twenty-second of August, Eighteen hundred and eighty-one. A. H. D. Cochrane.

"This statement was made by Indabezimbi at Hilldrop, Newcastle, Natal, on the Seventeenth of August, Eighteen hundred and eighty-one, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses. A. H. D. Cochrane. J. H. Gay Roberts. "N.B. The outrage of which Indabezimbi has here given an account occurred within a week of the present date, August 17th, 1881." Statement of the woman Nongena, Wife of Indabezimbi