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The dawn was just breaking over the house-tops on the other side of the square, and the sky was bathed in a curious heather-coloured light a sure sign of a wet day to come, said hill-bred Robin. We stood out on the steps, Kitty, Dolly, Robin, and I, and Kitty put her arm round her sister's waist. I knew she was thinking of the absent Dilly.

For, as any hill-bred man could tell, the storm had been brewing in the heat, and was bound to come, and would pass to and fro among the hills till it was worn out.

We made up on the drover, a wild unkempt man with a great red beard wagging on his broad chest, and fierce blue eyes that seldom winked, and it seemed to me that his dogs for two deep-chested, lean-flanked black collies slunk at his heel it seemed to me that they kent his mind before he spoke a word, for they worked the wild hill-bred stots like the dogs the old folk will be telling about.

'But, Holy One, thou art innocent of all evil. May I be thy sacrifice! Kim was genuinely distressed at the old man's sorrow, and Mahbub Ali's phrase slipped out unawares. 'In the dawn, the lama went on more gravely, ready rosary clicking between the slow sentences, 'came enlightenment. It is here ... I am an old man ... hill-bred, hill-fed, never to sit down among my Hills.

We had considerable difficulty in impressing this elementary truth on our hill-bred totos until one day, hearing wild shrieks from the direction of the river, I rushed down to find the lot huddled together in the very middle of a sand spit that-reached well out into the stream.

My one complaint was that the land was desperate flat to a hill-bred soul like mine. But one evening, away north in Stafford county, I cast my eyes to the west, and saw, blue and sharp against the sunset, a great line of mountains. It was all I sought. Somewhere in the west Virginia had her high lands, and one day, I promised myself, I would ride the road of the sun and find their secret.

The Doctor wondered how his young hill-bred giant would stand being coddled and petted and loved by the wives and mothers of men who, for their daily bread, met the world bare-handed, and whose hardships were accepted by them and by these same mothers and wives as a matter of course.