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The infantry, who were now moving steadily forward, were literally sprinkled all over the country. In the text-books compiled from the results of past experience the military student reads that armies divide to march and concentrate to fight. 'Nous avons changé tout cela. Here we concentrate to march and disperse to fight. I asked General Hildyard what formation his brigade was in.

The 6th Brigade Major-General Barton was to advance on the east of the railroad, in general support of Hildyard. On this part of the field the ground was flat, but intersected by several dongas. If successful, it was to enfilade the Wylie kopjes from that position.

There was for a day or two some discussion as to a further retreat, but Hildyard, strengthened by the advice and presence of Colonel Long, determined to hold his ground. On November 21st the raiding Boers were as far south as Nottingham Road, a point thirty miles south of Estcourt and only forty miles north of the considerable city of Pietermaritzburg. The situation was serious.

A few batteries were sent with Hart, but the bulk of the artillery was ordered east of the railway to support Hildyard. Buller's scheme has been severely criticized ever since its failure, but Clery who was in nominal command of the Natal force, and in whose name the battle orders were issued, as well as the other general officers, acquiesced in it.

Thither also Hart was to move from Frere, joining Hildyard and forming Clery's division. Warren was to rest until the next day.

One fact we all know, Caroline: the Queen retains her early habits, and implants them in her children. What do you suppose would be her Majesty's surprise, were one of her daughters say, the Princess Helena, or the Princess Louise to decline to rise early for their morning studies with their governess, Miss Hildyard, on the plea that it was not 'lady-like'?"

Hildyard took over the command of the 5th Division.

Lyttelton on his return from leave took over the Natal command from Hildyard. He disposed his columns as best he could, having regard to the contradictory reports which reached him of Botha's movements and intentions. The first encounter occurred on September 17 at Blood River Poort.

General Hildyard, with whom was Prince Christian Victor, spent the night in improving the defences of the hill and in building new traverses and head cover. At midnight the Boers made a fresh effort to regain the position, and the sudden roar of musketry awakened the sleeping army. The attack, however, was easily repulsed.

"I have just received orders, Chris, that our brigade of cavalry is to turn out tomorrow morning to support the infantry. Hildyard, Lyttleton, and Barton are going. Their object is to carry Cingola, which is the small peak at the end of the nek extending from it to the high peak of Monte Cristo.