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"I won't marry you if you don't." "I did think you were serious to-night, Eileen," he said, disappointed. "How could you think that, if you read the programme, as you say? 'Nelly O'Neill, Serio-Comic. Allons, ne faites cette tête mine de hibou. Admit the world is entirely ridiculous and give me some more champagne." Her eyes glittered strangely. A clock struck twelve.

But I had not reckoned upon the patrol leader, the little Owl, the Hibou of a Boy Scout so deft and courageous. The spy fled, but into his path sprang the tiny figure of the Owl, his pole in rest like a lance. They met, the man and the little Owl, and the shock of that tourney aroused the echoes of the night.

La beaute est parfaite, La beaute peut tout, La beaute est la seule chose qui n'existe pas a demi. Le corbeau ne vole que le jour, Le hibou ne vole que la nuit, Le cygne vole la nuit et le jour.* * Look not at the face, young girl, look at the heart. The heart of a handsome young man is often deformed. There are hearts in which love does not keep.

"Toujours seul, monsieur," he said, with an ugly grin. "What does that mean, Terrapin?" said Ralph. "He says that you always come home alone." "How else should I come?" said Ralph, dubiously. "How, indeed?" answered Terrapin. It was without doubt a dim old pile the Hôtel du Hibou. What murderers, and thieves, and Jacobins might not have ascended the tiles of the grand stairway?

There is no specimen of the Long-eared Owl at present in the Museum. If there has been one it must have got moth-eaten, like many of the other birds there, and been destroyed. SHORTEARED OWL. Asio accipitrinus, Pallas. French, "Hibou brachyôte."