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In his quick way he sprang from his horse, stripped off his clothes it was really a shame and, to the delight of the boys, threw their wrestling-master as if he had been a feather. The Hetaira Phryne was summoned before the judges for an offence against religion.

IV. The Present Social Attitude Towards Prostitution: The Decay of the Brothel The Tendency to the Humanization of Prostitution The Monetary Aspects of Prostitution The Geisha The Hetaira The Moral Revolt Against Prostitution Squalid Vice Based on Luxurious Virtue The Ordinary Attitude Towards Prostitutes Its Cruelty Absurd The Need of Reforming Prostitution The Need of Reforming Marriage These These Two Needs Closely Correlated The Dynamic Relationships Involved.

An expression which Antipas had used occurred to him. “Away with the hetaira,” he cried; and he was about, it may be, to order her to be tossed to the fierce wild swine in the paddocks of the park when the prisoner and his guards reappeared on the tessellated pavement, and Mary, already dragged from him, was instantly forgot.

A storm of applause greeted its appearance; the tipsiest stammered out his approval, and the picture presented to drunken eyes was indeed a beautiful and gorgeous one. On a high platform-intended for the display of a small image of Serapis and certain symbols of the god, at great festivals Glycera, the loveliest hetaira of the town, was drawn in triumph through the temple.

Who can assure me that, at this very moment, Gyges is not in the act of discoursing upon my charms with some soldiers at the very threshold of the palace? Oh shame! Oh infamy! Two men have beheld me naked and yet at this instant enjoy the sweet light of the sun! In what does Nyssia now differ from the most shameless hetaira, from the vilest of courtesans?

A storm of applause greeted its appearance; the tipsiest stammered out his approval, and the picture presented to drunken eyes was indeed a beautiful and gorgeous one. On a high platform-intended for the display of a small image of Serapis and certain symbols of the god, at great festivals Glycera, the loveliest hetaira of the town, was drawn in triumph through the temple.

In his quick way he sprang from his horse, stripped off his clothes it was really a shame and, to the delight of the boys, threw their wrestling-master as if he had been a feather. The Hetaira Phryne was summoned before the judges for an offence against religion.

The public was looking forward with anxious curiosity to the meeting of the two rivalsthe proud aristocratic girl andthe hetaira.” But Grushenka was a more familiar figure to the ladies of the district than Katerina Ivanovna.

She reclined in a sort of bowl representing a shell, placed at the top of the platform, and on the lower stages sat groups of fair girls, swaying gently with luxurious grace, and flinging flowers down to the crowd who, with jealous rivalry, strove to catch them. Everyone recognized the beautiful hetaira as Aphrodite, and she was hailed, as with one voice, the Queen of the World.

And again, suppose it is a definite love-letter, what means have we of deciding whether Epicurus or for that matter Zeno or Plato or any unconventional philosopher of this period would have thought it blameworthy, or would merely have called our attention to the legal difficulties of contracting marriage with one who had been a Hetaira, and asked us how we expect men and women to live.