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He was attached to the company of Henry’s "dearest wife, the queen," and was accompanied by thirty "tall personages." On his death he left some books to the library, as well as a tapestry for the high altar; also to his successor a gold ring and other articles which have disappeared. *Edward Foxe*, A.D. 1535-1538.

The advance guard of General Henry’s division, which landed at Guanica on Tuesday, arrived at Ponce, taking en route the cities of Yauco, Tallaboa, Sabana, Grande, and Penuelas. Attempts by the Spaniards to blow up bridges and otherwise destroy the railroad between Yauco and Ponce failed, only a few flat cars being burned.

Owing to Henry’s possessions in France through inheritance, marriage, and the many ties of relationship which united the royal families of both countries, England and France were never more closely allied than they were at that time. French was established by them as the speech of the cultured and the high-born. The Norman Conquest had made us more cosmopolitan in both manners and ideas.

We need not delay on the events of this campaign. Everywhere the people of Castile fell away from their cruel king, and Henry’s advance was almost unopposed. Soon he was in Burgos, and Don Pedro had become a fugitive without an army and almost without a friend. Henry was now again crowned king, many of the Castilian nobles taking part in the imposing ceremony.

Here numerous volunteers joined him, and at the head of a considerable force he marched upon Burgos, which surrendered after a faint show of resistance. During the winter the campaign continued, Leon, Madrid, and other towns being captured, and in the spring of 1368 all northern Castile was in Henry’s hands.

For many years almoner to the King, he was employed in embassies to France, Italy, and Germany, the most important of these diplomatic missions being in February, 1527, when he was sent to Rome with Gardiner to negotiate in the matter of Henry’s separation from his "dearest wife."

‘Yes, I do,’ replied the son. ‘Does it surprise you, father?’ He looked steadily in the man’s face, but he withdrew his eyes, and bent them on the ground. ‘Where’s your brothers?’ he said, after a long pause. ‘Where they’ll never trouble you,’ replied his son: ‘John’s gone to America, and Henry’s dead.’ ‘Dead!’ said the father, with a shudder, which even he could not express.

They were attacked at daybreak, their surprise being so complete that the main body was at once put to flight, while each division was routed as soon as it appeared. Henry’s forces suffered almost no loss, and within an hour’s time his rival’s kingdom was reduced to the castle of Montiel, in which he had taken refuge with a few of his followers.