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And nothing is more necessary than to seem to have this last-mentioned quality. Every one sees what you seem, few perceive what you are." Surely this hand-book of cant had been Philip's 'vade mecum' through his life's pilgrimage. It is at least a consolation to reflect that a career controlled by such principles came to an ignominious close.

On each side of the main arches that is to say, in their spandrels is a series of shields with coats of arms, said to be those of benefactors of the minster. "Murray's Hand-book" gives the arms on the shields as follow, beginning at the north-east end of the nave: Semé of fleur-de-lis Old France. 2. Six lions rampant Ulphus. 3. On a chevron, three lions passant guardant Cobham. 4.

This influential little volume, written by W.H. Harvey, acted as a hand-book of free coinage, cleverly setting forth the major arguments for the increased use of silver and bringing forward objections which were triumphantly demolished.

And nothing is more necessary than to seem to have this last-mentioned quality. Every one sees what you seem, few perceive what you are." Surely this hand-book of cant had been Philip's 'vade mecum' through his life's pilgrimage. It is at least a consolation to reflect that a career controlled by such principles came to an ignominious close.

The members are advised in the church hand-book to

With this the genial spirit produced from an invisible pocket a red-covered book bearing the delicious title of "Baedeker's Hades: A Hand-book for Travellers," which has entirely superseded, according to the advertisement on the fly-leaves, such books as Virgil and Dante's Inferno as the best guide to the lower regions, as well it might, for it appeared on perusal to have been prepared with as much care as one of the more material guide-books of the same publisher, which so greatly assist travellers on this side of the Stygian River.

It is not so much as a jelly-mass breakfast for one of Professor Haeckel's "protamoebA|;" for if it were served up in advance, there would be none of his little non-nucleated jelly-eaters to partake of it, much less any of his "protogenes." As the famous Mrs. Glass would say, in her "hand-book of cookery," if you want a delightful "curry," first catch your hare.

Insomuch as an editor's work helps in the acquisition of 'Violin Mastery, I am tempted to think this catalogue will be a contribution of real value. "As far as I know there does not at present exist any guide or hand-book of violin literature in which the fundamental question of grading has been presented au fond.

The following work, in which, at the outset, nothing more was contemplated than a temporary jeu-d'esprit, was commenced in company with my brother, the late Peter Irving, Esq. Our idea was to parody a small hand-book which had recently appeared, entitled, "A Picture of New York."

And what can be more provocative of scribbling than travel? How eagerly we hasten to describe unheard-of adventures, how anxiously record exaggerated marvels! to prove some printed hand-book quite wrong in the number of steps up a round-tower: or to crush, as a wicked vender of execrable wines, the once fair fame of some over-charging inn-keeper!