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She's always friendly to me." Mayor Costello had returned to his paper. But a few hours later, when all the children except Gertrude were settled for the night, and Gertrude, in a state of milky beatitude, was looking straight into her mother's face above her with blue eyes heavy with sleep, he enlightened his wife further concerning the Hammonds.

Pomfret, in her most imperial voice, "we ought to be going instantly, or we shan't have time to drop you at the Hammonds'." "I'll take you over in the new motor car," said Mr. Crewe, with his air of conferring a special train. "How much is gasoline by the gallon?" inquired Victoria. "I did a favour once for the local manager, and get a special price," said Mr. Crewe. "Humphrey," said Mrs.

Pomfret, in her most imperial voice, "we ought to be going instantly, or we shan't have time to drop you at the Hammonds'." "I'll take you over in the new motor car," said Mr. Crewe, with his air of conferring a special train. "How much is gasoline by the gallon?" inquired Victoria. "I did a favour once for the local manager, and get a special price," said Mr. Crewe. "Humphrey," said Mrs.

"She thought it her duty to tell father the time you drove me to the Hammonds'. She said I asked you to do it." "What did he say?" Austen inquired, looking straight ahead of him. "He didn't say much," she answered. "Father never does. I think he knows that I am to be trusted." "Even with me?" he asked quizzically, but with a deeper significance.

And presently they came to a wire fence overgrown with Virginia creeper, which divided the shaded road from a wide lawn. "Here we are at the Hammonds', and thank you," she said. Any reply he might have made was forestalled.

Well, she'll be married soon, just as soon as Cap'n Nat gets back. They perfectly worship each other, those two. They say she writes him the longest letters. Hannah Poundberry told me. Hannah's a queer creature and common, but devoted to the Hammonds, Mr. Ellery. However, you're not interested in Come-Outers, are you? Ha, ha!"

Lent found it full of people and its gayety was reflected in other houses of the neighborhood whose owners, like the Hammonds, kept open house. There was much to do. March went out like a lion and the snow which kept the more timid indoors at the cards made wonderful coasting and sledding, of which latter these wearied children of fortune were not slow to take advantage.

I saw at a glance that their subjects were taken from queer old-world myths and imaginations which in yesterday's world only about half a dozen people in the country knew anything about; and when the two Hammonds sat down opposite to us, I said to the old man, pointing to the frieze: "How strange to see such subjects here!" "Why?" said he.

The servants included a Chinese cook, Mexican houseboys, and negroes for the outside work. The life at Rose Ranch was evidently a rather free and easy existence. The standards of etiquette were not just the same as at the Mason house in Chicago; but the Hammonds knew well how to make their guests feel at home. The quality of the hospitality of the ranchman and his wife was not strained.

The twins' outgrown suits were found to fit Joe Hammond to perfection, "and a lucky thing I thought of it, Joe, before I sent them off to my sister's children in Chicago!" observed the Mayor's wife. The Mayor himself heaped his little guests' plates with the choicest of everything on the table, when the Hammonds stayed to dinner.