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By the colonel's orders I rode back to the waggon lines soon afterwards, bearing instructions to the battery commanders to join the colonel at half-past one. The Brigade might expect to move up that evening. The battery commanders came back by tea-time with plans for that evening's move-up completed.

We reached the Pettycur about half-past one, crossed to Edinburgh, and so ended our little excursion. Of casualties we had only one: Triton, the house-dog at Charlton, threw down Thomson and he had his wrist sprained. A restive horse threatened to demolish our landau, but we got off for the fright. Happily L.C.B. was not in our carriage.

And, taking her friend's hand, she put it on her breast, on that firm, round covering of women's hearts which often suffices men, and prevents them from seeking beneath. But her breast was really beating violently. She continued: "It happened to me yesterday during the day, at about four o'clock ... or half-past four; I cannot say exactly.

That same afternoon Goethe went himself to the library and expressed his satisfaction with all that had been done. At last, on December 16th, 1827, at half-past five in the morning, a few persons again met at the same place.

During this period, up to between half-past two and three, the ships of the two British divisions, that followed the leaders, were breaking successively into the enemy's order, and carrying out with intelligent precision the broad outlines of Nelson's instructions.

He said that on the previous day, about half-past twelve o'clock, he had brought a small parcel there, addressed to Mr. Fullaway, and had handed it to a gentleman who was reading newspapers, and who had answered 'Yes' when inquired of as Mr. Fullaway. This gentleman who, of course, was Van Koon had signed for the parcel by scribbling two initials 'F. F. in the proper space.

Maria is always so full of good ideas, but at half-past six she had not come in, and at six-forty-five she 'phoned me that she was at her father's and would I not better go there for tea. In the Talbert family a suggestion of that sort is the equivalent of a royal command in Great Britain, and I at once proceeded to accept it.

If Dan accepted Uncle Victor's offer, and if Mamma accepted his conditions. Uncle Victor left no doubt as to his conditions. He wouldn't take Dan back unless Mamma left Morfe and made a home for him in London. He wanted them all to live together at Five Elms. The discussion had lasted from a quarter-past nine till half-past ten.

At half-past eleven Sir H. Kitchener shut up his glasses, and, remarking that he thought the enemy had been given 'a good dusting, gave the order for the brigades to resume their interrupted march on Omdurman a movement which was possible, now that the forces in the plain were beaten.

So Pere came and drew buckets and buckets of water, and you never saw such a stripping and such a slopping, as they washed and shaved and with such dispatch. They had just got through, luckily, when, at about half-past six, the captain rode hurriedly down the hill again. He carried a slip of white paper in his hand, which he seemed intent on deciphering. As I met him at the gate he said: