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In this telegraphe intime we can only see an apparatus analogous to the one described by Guyot, or rather a synchronism obtained by means of cords, as in Kircher's arrangement. The fact that Alexandre's two dials were placed on two different stories, and distant, horizontally, fifteen meters, in nowise excludes this latter mode of transmission.

M. Morlot presented me in 1857 with an unpublished map of Switzerland in which he had embodied the results of his own observations and those of MM. Guyot, Escher, and others, marking out by distinct colours the limits of the ice-transported detritus proper to each of the great river-basins.

Guyot reported that the lodges were filled with strange faces, that Donnacona had pretended to be sick and would not show himself, and that he himself had been received with suspicion, Taignoagny having forbidden him to enter into some of the houses. Cartier's plan was soon made. The river was now open and all was ready for departure.

Charlot returned to the window to learn from Guyot that the citoyennes thanked the Citizen-captain, but that they were tired and sought to be excused, asking nothing better than to be allowed to remain at peace in their carriage. "Sacred name of a name!" he croaked, a trifle thickly, for the wine he had taken was mastering him more and more. "Are they defying us?

Measurements were subsequently made by Professor Guyot and by Senator Clingman. Senator Clingman still maintains that he did not, and that the peak now known as Mitchell is the one that Clingman first described. The estimates of altitudes made by the three explorers named differed considerably. The height now fixed for Mount Mitchell is 6711; that of Mount Washington is 6285.

She asked him what plan he had conceived, but he urged that time pressed; she should know presently; meanwhile, she had best return immediately to her carriage. He went to the door to call Guyot, but she stayed him. "No, no, Monsieur," she exclaimed. "I will not pass through the common-room again in that fellow's company. They are all in there, carousing, and and I dare not."

Sanger's book has been excluded from the U. S. mails. Evidently the authorities are not anxious that the public be informed as to the true cause of prostitution. Havelock Ellis, SEX AND SOCIETY. Guyot, LA PROSTITUTION. Banger, CRIMINALITE ET CONDITION ECONOMIQUE. We boast of the age of advancement, of science, and progress. Is it not strange, then, that we still believe in fetich worship?

M. Guyot had endeavoured to show that the Alpine erratics, instead of being scattered at random over the Jura and the great plain of Switzerland, are arranged in a certain determinate order strictly analogous to that which ought to prevail if they had once constituted the lateral, medial, and terminal moraines of great glaciers.

"Mother," whispered Suzanne, setting her arms about her in a vain attempt to comfort. Then she heard Charlot's voice curtly bidding Guyot to reconduct the Marquise to her carriage. Madame de Bellecour heard it also, and roused herself once more. "I will not go," she stormed, anger flashing again from the tear-laden eyes. "I will not leave my daughter." Charlot shrugged his shoulders callously.

Since they will not accept an invitation, compel them to obey a command. Bring them up at once, Guyot." "At once, Captain," was the answer, and Guyot went about the business. Charlot closed the window and approached the table. "They are coquettish these scented dames," he mocked, as he poured himself out some wine. "You are not drinking Caron."