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The fact of the matter was that I had about reached the stage where I was prepared to try anything once, however goofy. "Just run through that wheeze again, Jeeves," I said thoughtfully. "I remember thinking it cuckoo, but it may be that I missed some of the finer shades." "Your criticism of it at the time, sir, was that it was too elaborate, but I do not think it is so in reality.

They watched the other two men walk back and enter the coquina bungalow and a little later Jack was saying: "Strikes me we'd better pull up stakes and clear out of this, Perk, don't forget we've got to pass that rattlesnake cove on the way back, and for one, I'm not so keen about doing it in pitch darkness." "Don't get me goofy, partner," whimpered Perk with a shudder.

An' Jack, honest to goodness if I didn't see the head an' knobby eyes o' a monster scaly 'gator stickin' up out o' the water in the lagoon jest now. Got me goofy, this sorter thing, an' I'm asighin' for the air lanes two miles high." "I understand just how you feel, Perk, but hold your horses a bit.

Then Rama, perhaps nervous about what I had observed in 1984 and 1985, told the disciples: "Mark was always a little young, a little naive, a little stupid... he thought that I actually *had* given him LSD... we all used to indulge him... we all knew that it was just that goofy Mark again... " Rama went on to say that one day they might have to explain "all this" to a judge and jury.

Bud, who was familiar with ion propulsion for spaceships, wrinkled his brow in a puzzled frown. "A goofy idea just occurred to me, but I think it may work out," Tom replied. He seized a pencil and began explaining what he had in mind. The drive unit would take water into itself, separate the ionized molecules, and expose them to an electric field. Thus a stream of water would be forced out.