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It was Abel, I knew right away it was Abel, an' he was just gentlin' round soft on the keys, kind o' like he was askin' a blessin' an' rockin' a cradle an' doin' all the little nice things music can. An' with that Mis' Sykes, she throws open the church door. "I'll never forget how it looked inside all warm an' lamp-lit an' with them little things bein' fed an' chatterin' soft.

'Leven hung back, but I took her by the hand an' we went an' looked down at Jennie in that nice, gentlin', after-supper light 'Leven in Jennie's shroud an' neither of 'em knew it. "An' all out o' the air somethin' says to me, Now now like it will when you get so's you listen. I always think it's like the Lord had pressed His bell somewheres for help in His housekeepin' oh, because how He needs it!

An' Abel, he just set there to the organ, gentlin' 'round soft on the keys so it made me think o' God movin' on the face o' the waters. An' movin' on the face of everything else too, dedicated or not. It was like we'd felt the big wind, same as Eppleby said. An' somethin' in it kind o' hid, secret an' holy." Two weeks before Christmas Friendship was thrown into a state of holiday delight. Mrs.

The one who had laughed broke again into a high cackle. "What we'd oughta do," he chortled, "is send 'em word to hereafter turn in lead ropes with every hoss we take off 'n their hands. And by rights we'd oughta stip-ilate that all hosses must be broke to lead. It ain't right them a gentlin' down everything that goes to army buyers, and us, here, havin' to take what we can git. It ain't right!"

Notice how his body is drawed up, an' his tail is slowly movin' side to side, 'cause he thinks he's goin' to sink his claws in tender flesh the next second! Wa'al that panther makes me think uv this here Spaniard, Alvarez. I think we kin look fur jest about ez much kindness an' gentlin' from him ez a fawn could expect from a hungry panther." "You are certainly right, Jim," said Paul. "Uv course!