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This is because it wants to read only what has just been printed, and because similis simili gaudet, and it finds the shallow, insipid gossip of some stupid head of to-day more homogeneous and agreeable than the thoughts of great minds.

The incident related above is mentioned by several writers, French and English, but the details were gathered by Placide P. Gaudet about twenty years ago from an old Acadian of remarkable memory and intelligence, whose grandfather was a brother of Charles Belliveau. The names of most of the families who arrived at St.

Enthusiasm of the Girondists. The last embrace. The execution. Fortitude of Vergniaud. Burial of the bodies. Errors of the Girondists. Escape of Gaudet and others. The Jacobins clamor for more blood. More Girondists executed. Fate of Pétion and Buzot. Mystery attending the death of Pétion and Buzot.

He was lying in philosophick tranquillity with a greyhound of Col's at his back, keeping him warm. Col is quite the Juvenis qui gaudet canibus. He had, when we left Talisker, two greyhounds, two terriers, a pointer, and a large Newfoundland water-dog. He lost one of his terriers by the road, but had still five dogs with him. I was very ill, and very desirous to get to shore.

If you were only free a vinculo matrimonii " Rosamund laughed again, and sat stroking her muff and smiling. "Curious, isn't it?" she said to Nina "the inborn antipathy of two agreeable human bipeds for one another. Similis simili gaudet as my learned friend will admit. But with us it's the old, old case of that eminent practitioner, the late Dr. Fell. Esto perpetua! Oh, well!

'There was the young Laird of Balmawhapple, a Falconer by surname, of the house of Glenfarquhar, given right much to field-sports gaudet equis et canibus but a very discreet young gentleman.

On the leaden coronet, is the motto, alluding to the head which fills it, 'similis simili gaudet. "I should mention, before proceeding further, that Mr. Valentine M'Clutchy, being master of the Lodge in question, was the individual from whom I had received permission to be present under the circumstances already specified.

We gather some interesting information from a letter written at this time to the French minister by the Sieur de Gaspe, who was in command of the fort at the mouth of the Nerepis. I am indebted to Placide P. Gaudet for a copy of the original letter of which a translation is given on next page. It is one of the many interesting documents that have never yet been published.

'There was the young Laird of Balmawhapple, a Falconer by surname, of the house of Glenfarquhar, given right much to field- sports gaudet equis et canibus but a very discreet young gentleman.

"Nec nisi bellantis gaudet cervice juvenci" stops when it sees the enemy at its mercy; but pusillanimity, to say that it was also in the game, not having dared to meddle in the first act of danger, takes as its part the second, of blood and massacre.