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Thus William Popleton was formerly the servant of John Davies; Richard Townsend was in 1620 the servant of Dr. Potts; William Bentley arrived in the colony in 1624 as a hired man. All three of these men were burgesses. The preacher, William Gatford, testified that persons of mean extraction had filled places of importance and trust.

They aver that all assemblages, whether called together for religious purposes or not, are dangerous, and likely to extend the pestilence." "And yet crowds are permitted to assemble for purposes of amusement, if not for worship, in those holy walls," returned Leonard. "Not so," replied Gatford. "Very few persons now come there, and none for amusement. Paul's Walk is completely deserted.

Glancing at the enthusiast, one of them observed with a smile to his companion, "There is Solomon Eagle pronouncing his morning curse upon the city. I wonder whether the judgments he utters against it will come to pass." "Assuredly, Phil Gatford," replied the other mason, gravely; "and I look upon all the work we are now doing as labour thrown away. Was he not right about the plague?

"Shame on them!" exclaimed Leonard Holt, who, being much interested in the conversation of the masons, had silently approached them. "At this season, more than ever, they are bound to attend to their duty." "Why, so I think," rejoined Gatford; "but I suppose they consider self-preservation their first duty.

The shops and stalls have been removed, and the pillars to which they were attached are restored to their former appearance." "I am glad to hear it," rejoined Leonard. "I would far rather the sacred edifice were altogether abandoned than be what it has been of late a den of thieves." "It was a stable and a magazine of arms in the time of the Commonwealth," remarked Gatford.

"It is strange, Ned Turgis," observed Gatford, "that, though Solomon Eagle may always be seen at daybreak at the top of the tower or on the roof of the cathedral sometimes at one point and sometimes at another no one can tell where he hides himself at other times.

Gatford, a puritanical preacher of the Commonwealth period, wrote that at that time some of the former servants were still filling offices of trust in the colony.