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The nearer he approached Petrus's house the more vehemently his heart beat; he stood still in front of the gate-way, to take breath, and to collect himself a little, for he felt that, agitated as he was, he would find it difficult to utter any coherent words. At last he laid his hand on the latch and entered the yard.

I crave admittance in the name of the Queen." At that the gates swung open and the procession moved in. Once through the gate-way, where sat the porter a hermit crab the road, paved with lovely shells, wound about, and Effie held her breath to see how beautiful it was.

... We have had a last walk and flânerie this morning. We went to the Hospice, formerly a Benedictine convent, where there is a fine gate-way and court-yard with most extraordinary carving over the doors and gate monstrous heads and beasts and emblems alongside of cherubs and beautiful saints and angels. One wonders what ideas those old artists had; it seems now such distorted imagination. We walked through some of the oldest streets and past what had been fine hotels, but they are quite uninhabited now. Sometimes a bric-

He was emerging in all possible haste from the gate-way of his uncle's house when he was accosted by the police-man on beat in that vicinity. Here was a "fix." Guy was almost in despair, and it was only on producing cards, and letters, and other substantial proofs of his identity that he was left go.

Just outside of the buildings, and under the walls, stood twenty or thirty small huts, built of straw and of the branches of trees, grouped together, in which a few Indians lived, under the protection and in the service of the mission. Entering a gate-way, we drove into the open square, in which the stillness of death reigned.

The most striking feature of the figure was a dismal skull, that was outheld from the region of the waist by two great hands placed there arbitrarily and without any relation to the figure's arms; and for a crest repeating the motive of the gate-way it had two serpents' heads, the bodies pertaining to which were twisted and involved about the whole mass.

I could restrain myself no longer, but clambered over the gilded ornaments surmounting the grated gate-way and leaped down into the garden whence the song proceeded.

For myself, I used to stand outside the gate-way, looking down on the broad, winding river and on the twinkling lights of the great city. The beating of drums, the rattle of tomtoms, and the yells and howls of the rebels, drunk with opium and with bang, were enough to remind us all night of our dangerous neighbors across the stream.

After partaking of fruit and tea we continue on our way to the nearest gate-way of the city proper, Khoi being surrounded by a ditch and battlemented mud wall.

"I don't think, sir, a happier man than I passes through this gate-way once a month." He told me his little boy came to fetch him in the evening. "You're married?" "Yes, sir, and I've got four children. They're going away for their holidays next week." "Where are they going?" "To the sea. It will do them good; a blow on the beach will do them a power of good."