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Then it was Garrone's turn, and up he went, chewing away at his bread as though it were nothing out of the common; and I believe that he would have been capable of carrying one of us up on his shoulders, for he is as muscular and strong as a young bull. After Garrone came Nelli.

My mother put a little bunch of flowers into Garrone's buttonhole, for him to carry to his mother in her name. Garrone said, "Thanks," in his big voice, without raising his chin from his breast. But all his kind and noble soul shone in his eyes. Saturday, 11th. The idea of Carlo Nobis rubbing off his sleeve affectedly, when Precossi touches him in passing!

"In comes the bailiff 'Good morrow to you, sir, says I, leading out of the stable my lord's horse, with an ould saddle and bridle on. "'Tim Neal, says I to the groom, who was rubbing down the garrone's heels, 'mind your hits to-day, and wee'l wet the plate to-night." "'Not so fast, neither, says the bailiff 'here's my writ for seizing the horse. "'Och, says I, 'you wouldn't be so cruel.

Then she searched hastily in all her pockets, and in her purse, and finding nothing, she detached a chain from her neck, with a small cross, and put it on Garrone's neck, underneath his necktie, and said to him: "Take it! wear it in memory of me, my dear boy; in memory of Nelli's mother, who thanks and blesses you." Friday, 25th. Garrone attracts the love of all; Derossi, the admiration.

In the pit I instantly espied Garrone's dear, big face and the little blond head of Nelli, who was clinging close to the other's shoulder.

There were Garrone's father, Derossi's mother, the blacksmith Precossi, Coretti, Signora Nelli, the vegetable-vender, the father of the little mason, Stardi's father, and many others whom I had never seen; and on all sides a whispering and a hum were audible, that seemed to proceed from the square outside. The master entered, and a profound silence ensued.

'In comes the bailiff "Good morrow to you, sir," says I, leading out of the stable my lord's horse, with an OULD saddle and bridle on. "Tim Neal," says I to the groom, who was rubbing down the garrone's heels, "mind your hits to-day, and WEE'L wet the plate to-night." "Not so fast, neither," says the bailiff "here's my writ for seizing the horse." "Och," says I, "you wouldn't be so cruel."

You have committed one of the basest, the most shameful acts with which a human creature can stain himself. Cowards!" Having said this, he came down among the benches, put his hand under Garrone's chin, as the latter stood with drooping head, and having made him raise it, he looked him straight in the eye, and said to him, "You are a noble soul."