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Directly the Russian military authorities began their investigations to bring this band to justice they, through the Czech commander, received orders from General Ganin, the French Allied commander, to move to Novo Nikoliosk out of Russian jurisdiction. It is not very clear at present why the French gave their protection to these and similar disturbing elements in Siberia.

It remains in this state five or six days. In the second stage, or Histriobdella-like form, the larva is, in its general appearance, like the low worm to which Ganin compares it. No tracheæ are developed in the larva, nor do any exist in the imago. The origin of the sting is clearly ascertained.

These armies were ill-equipped and badly disciplined not the kind of armies which would have been raised had General Knox's plans been allowed to develop but they performed their duty, they captured Perm, and had increased to over 200,000 before General Ganin appeared on the scene.

Since comparative embryology as a science does not yet exist, so do I think that all genetic theories are too premature, and without a strong scientific foundation." The writer is perhaps less cautious, but he cannot refrain from making some reflections suggested by the remarkable discoveries of Ganin.

In concluding the account of his remarkable discoveries, Ganin draws attention to the great differences in the formation of the eggs and the germs of these parasites from what occurs in other insects.

By this uninformed Allied interference a well-thought-out scheme of army reorganisation was hung up for four of the most precious months to Russia. By the time General Ganin arrived the time for the project had passed and the whole business had been taken out of Allied hands.

The highest degree of acceleration is seen in the reproductive organs of the Cecidomyian larva of Miastor, which produces a summer brood of young, alive, and living free in the body of the child-parent; and in the pupa of Chironomus, which has been recently shown by Von Grimm, a fellow countryman of Ganin, to produce young in the spring, while the adult fly lays eggs in the autumn in the usual manner.

We can now, in the light of the researches of Siebold, Leuckart, Ganin and others, trace more closely than ever the connection between simple growth and metamorphosis, and metamorphosis and parthenogenesis, and perceive that they are but the terms of a single series.

They made him many tempting offers of help, both arms and money, but he refused them all, and they were unable to move him from the position he had taken up. A subject that led to unfortunate bickerings between Admiral Koltchak and the French was the appointment by the Allied Council of Paris of General Ganin as the Commander of the Allied and Russian Forces in Siberia.

From this position they never retreated, but Allied bungling had landed General Ganin, who is himself an able and excellent officer, in a not very dignified position. Bolderoff, as I have stated, was at the Ufa front when Koltchak assumed supreme power.