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The ruins of the airship were examined with interest, and the two women took advantage of the seclusion of the little hut, to get some much needed rest until a meal should be ready. One was soon in course of preparation by Tom and Mr. Damon, aided by Mate Fordam, of the RESOLUTE. Fortunate it was that Mr. Fenwick had brought along such a supply of food, for there were now many mouths to feed.

Silas Fordam, at his beautiful winter home, "Orange Hall," situated in the heart of St. Mary's, a note, signed by the Hon. J. M. Arnow, mayor of the city, was handed me. Mr. Arnow, in the name of the city government, invited my presence at the Spencer House. Upon arriving at the hotel, a surprise awaited me.

One afternoon, a week following the erection of the wireless station, Mate Fordam came upon a number of turtles. He caught some, by turning them over on their backs, and also located a number of nests of eggs under the warm sands. "This will be something to eat," he said, joyfully, and indeed the turtles formed a welcome food supply.

This last also held the food supplies and stores, and Tom noted, with satisfaction, that there was still sufficient to eat to last over a week. Mr. Fenwick had not stinted his kitchen stores. This work done, Captain Mentor and Mate Fordam went to the highest part of the island, where they erected a signal, made from pieces of canvas that had been in the life boat.

Barcoe Jenks, who seemed an odd sort of individual, always looking about suspiciously, Captain Mentor, who had been in command of the yacht, and Jake Fordam, the mate of the vessel. "And are these all who were saved?" asked Tom, as he introduced his two friends, and told briefly of their air voyage. "No," answered Mr.

Captain Mentor, I wish you and Mr. Fordam would attend to that." "I will, sir," answered the commander of the ill-fated RESOLUTE. "The signal shall be hoisted at once. Come on, Mr. Fordam," he added, turning to the first mate. "If you don't mind," interrupted Tom, "I wish you would first help me to get what remains of the airship up out of reach of any more possible high waves.