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Disease was unknown; the lung disease, the foot-and-mouth disease, are comparatively recent importations. I was in the lean-cattle trade when foot-and-mouth disease first broke out, and got a sad fright when I came up to Falkirk and found my drove affected. When it got into a drove on their transit, the loss was heavy.

Very few animals were infected during the 1870 outbreak, and the disease was quickly stamped out in both countries. Europe has been unable to eradicate foot-and-mouth disease. The different outbreaks that occur from time to time cause enormous financial loss. In the United States outbreaks of the disease have occurred in the following years: 1870, 1884, 1902-'03, 1908 and 1914-'15.

'Could you put something into The Bun to-morrow about foot-and-mouth disease in that fellow's herd? 'Oh, plague if you like, Ollyett replied. 'They're only five measly Shorthorns. I saw one lying down in the park. She'll serve as a sub-stratum of fact. 'Then, do that; and hold the letter over meanwhile. I think I come in here, said Pallant. 'Why? said I.

Cows require great attention. The disease seats itself in their udders, and unless they are most carefully milked out they may be rendered useless as milkers losing one, two, or even all the quarters of the udder. The foot-and-mouth disease is very infectious. I recollect having carried it home from a neighbouring farm, by merely handling a bull which was down with the disease.

'What did you answer? said Ollyett, when all our opinions had been expressed. 'I told him I couldn't do anything in the matter. And I couldn't then. But you'll remember to put in that foot-and-mouth paragraph. I want something to work upon. 'It seems to me The Bun has done all the work up to date, I suggested. 'When does The Cake come in?

As to Foot-and-mouth disease, it is a light matter among stirks and lean cattle they will be little if any the worse of it; but it is very serious amongst heavy feeding cattle and milch cows. If fat cattle are attacked, they should have their turnips sliced, with crushed oilcake and meal. There is no treatment of any avail in the fever stages.

This statement may not hold true of methods of control in countries where foot-and-mouth disease is widely distributed. TETANUS. LOCKJAW. This is an acute infectious disease that is characterized by spasmodic contractions of voluntary muscles. The specific germ remains at the point of infection, and produces toxins that cause tetanic contractions of the muscles.