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But the czimbalom-player merely closed the door from the inside and followed his righteous benefactor. "Golden-winged angels in a wagon of diamonds...." "Get out this moment!" cried Sárvölgyi, hastily looking for a stick to drive the flatterer out of his room.

Spencer's ugly insinuation, topping their attempted abduction of the evening, has done it. I'm angry all through. Don't I look angry, Mr. Harleston?" "You're quite justified in looking so, dear lady; as well as in being so," Harleston replied. "Only you don't look it now." "You're a sad flatterer, sir!" she smiled.

Ivimey's opinion is, that this "way which put itself into their way," and the flatterer, relates to Antinomianism. Of this I can form no accurate judgment, never having met with an Antinomian, or one who professed to be against the law of God.

"Ah, flatterer!..." she said softly, and smiled into the fire. There was a tense moment in which he longed to bend down and kiss her as he had done when the room was full of violets, but instead he pulled himself up sharply and moved away. "Well, I must be off. Perhaps to-night I shall have the luck to be able to look at her from a distance, and not strike the jarring note.

"And may I not be proud that a grandmother, who is a Roman, as my wife is, can find it so easy to blush? You are quite different from other women." "Because you are different from other men." "You are a flatterer; since all our children have left us, it is as if we were newly married again." "Ah! the apple of discord is removed."

Then said he to them, Follow me, that I may set you in your way again. So he led them back to the way which they had left to follow the Flatterer. Then he asked them, saying, Where did you lie the last night? They said, With the Shepherds upon the Delectable Mountains. He asked them if they had not a note of directions for the way. They answered, Yes.

In spite of your youth and enthusiasm, there is in you a vein of inevitable cynicism, for you have had far too much experience of the flatterer and the toady.

"All of which is undoubtedly true," he returned, gallantly, "but the fact remains that you're not old and never will be. You're merely a girl who has powdered her hair for a fancy-dress ball." "Flatterer!" she said, with affected severity, but the delicate pink flush that bloomed in her cheeks showed that she was pleased. "Will you drive to-day?" he asked, as they rose from the table.

And the doctor was no flatterer, as may be inferred from his treatment of Peter the Great. But the aged baronet had had his own way so long, and was so well pleased with it, that he would have nothing to do with Linnæus. At Oxford the learned professor Dillenius received him with no better grace.

Thus they went away and sang: Thus by the Shepherds secrets are reveal'd Which from all other men are kept conceal'd: Come to the Shepherds, then, if you would see Things deep, things hid, and that mysterious be. When they were about to depart, one of the Shepherds gave them a note of the way. Another of them bid them beware of the Flatterer.