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A few years ago eight of my mother's first-cousins were soldiers. At the Battle of Blaauwberg just before the capitulation of the Cape in January, 1806 a Lieutenant Creagh was slightly wounded. This was either my grandfather or my grand-uncle, Sir Michael Creagh. Both brothers were in the same regiment, the 86th Foot, or "Royal County Downs."*

This he achieved in 1405 by fraud, and afterwards held it as his own by force. Partly with the view of establishing himself more firmly in his acquired lordship, and partly out of family affection, Pùho associated four of his first-cousins in the government of Trezzo. They repaid his kindness with an act of treason and cruelty, only too characteristic of those times in Italy.

First-cousins may in this case resemble each other more closely than brothers and sisters. More especially, we should not expect very successful men to be fathers of particularly gifted children; for the best men are, as it were, the happy thoughts and successes of the race nature's "flukes," so to speak, in her onward progress. No creature can repeat at will, and immediately, its highest flight.

"Not if they grow up together," she suggested, and broke into a smile at his rapture of amusement; which was succeeded by a dark perplexity, worthy of the present aspect of Mr. Pericles. "That's what has upset us," he said. "We have been trying to 'grow up together, like first-cousins, and nature forbids the banns. To-morrow you shall have half a libretto.

A BABY-GIRL WAS BORN; and her father was a king; and her mother was a queen; and her uncles and aunts were princes and princesses; and her first-cousins were dukes and duchesses; and not one of her second-cousins was less than a marquis or marchioness, or of their third-cousins less than an earl or countess: and below a countess they did not care to count.

"Then," Elisabeth continued, "I get very angry with the people who will bother about non-essentials; who, when you have got hold of the vital centre of a question, stray off to side issues. They are first-cousins of the people who talk in different keys." "I should have said they were the same." "Well, perhaps they are; I believe you are right.

"Not if they grow up together," she suggested, and broke into a smile at his rapture of amusement; which was succeeded by a dark perplexity, worthy of the present aspect of Mr. Pericles. "That's what has upset us," he said. "We have been trying to 'grow up together, like first-cousins, and nature forbids the banns. To-morrow you shall have half a libretto.

Richest squatter in Vic, an' that dirty mean he won't wash 'cause o' the ruinous wear and tear on soap. That was his wife 'long side him. 'Yes, she came over in our ship. 'Shipmates, eh? That's as good as first-cousins. 'Who was the other man? 'Donno. Looked like something just blown ashore. Very superior, likely. Mrs Mack's got a weakness for gentility.