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Mark the successful man, the merchant prince with argosies on every sea, the employer of thousands of hands, the munificent contributor to public charities, the churchwarden, the member of parliament, and the generous patron of his relatives his self-approbation struggling with the instinctive sense of baseness in the money-hunter, the ignorant and greedy filcher of the labor of others, the seller of his own mind and manhood for luxuries and delicacies that he was too lowlived to enjoy, and for the society of people who made him feel his inferiority at every turn."

They want to do away with all distinctions in ranks, to make a duke no better than his valet, and a gentleman highwayman class with a filcher of fogles. But, damme, if I don't think misfortune levels us all quite enough; and misfortune brings me here, little Dummie." "Ah! you vants to keep out of the vay of the bulkies!" "Right.

Verdant Green it had such an overwhelming effect that when his scout, Filcher, entered the room he found his master looking very red about the eyes, and furiously wiping the large spectacles from which his nick-name, "Gig-lamps," was derived. The fact was that Mr. Verdant Green was a freshman of the freshest kind. It was his first day in Oxford.

So every bit of brisk living, and, above all, when it is healthful, is just so much gained upon the wholesale filcher, death. We shall have the less in our pockets, the more in our stomach, when he cries stand and deliver.

Verdant Green immediately disappeared in search of his scout, Filcher. Five minutes afterwards, as the dejected Mr. Pucker was crawling out of the quad, Filcher came and led him back to the rooms of Mr. Slowcoach, the real examining tutor. "But I have been examined," Mr. Pucker kept on saying dejectedly. "I have been examined, and they rejected me." "I think it was an 'oax, sir," said Filcher.

But the appearance of Filcher reminded him that he was now an Oxford man, and he resolved to begin his career by calling upon Mr. Charles Larkyns. He found Mr. Larkyns lolling on a couch, in dressing-gown and slippers. Opposite to him was a gentleman whose face was partly hidden by a pewter pot, out of which he was draining the last draught. Mr.

In truth it was upon that brow that he would have wished to place the diadem. What other could be more worthy of it? But what probability was there that Gyges would ever have a throne to share? He had not sought to follow up this adventure, and assure himself that it was indeed the daughter of Megabazus whose mysterious face had been revealed to him by Chance, the great filcher.

'Will that fellow that signs himself Terry O'Toole in the Pike stand this? cried Kearney, reading aloud from the Boyne Water: "We know the man who corresponds with you under the signature of Terry O'Toole, and it is but one of the aliases under which he has lived since he came out of the Richmond Bridewell, filcher, forger, and false witness.

I submit it to the better judgment of the Romany Rye, who I see is a great hand for words and names, whether he ought not to have been called old Filcher, instead of Fulcher. I shan't give a regular account of the larcenies he committed during the short time I knew him, either alone by himself, or with me and his son. I shall merely relate the last.

They want to do away with all distinctions in ranks, to make a duke no better than his valet, and a gentleman highwayman class with a filcher of fogles. But, damme, if I don't think misfortune levels us all quite enough; and misfortune brings me here, little Dummie." "Ah! you vants to keep out of the vay of the bulkies!" "Right.