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Femininity in a woman, the womanly woman, or the eternal feminine, may indeed be defined by the degree of somatic and psychic exhibitionism she presents.

In youth moderate masturbation, later moderate coitus. He lives a retired life, but is fond of elegant dress and of ornament. Though not a drinker, he sometimes makes himself a kind of punch which has a sexually exciting effect on him. The impulse to exhibitionism has only developed in recent years.

Though ordinarily very reticent about sexual matters, he began four or five years ago to commit acts of exhibitionism, exposing himself to servants in the house and occasionally to women in the country.

Exhibitionism of this kind, therefore, can scarcely arise in persons of any sensitiveness or æsthetic perception, even putting aside the question of modesty, and there seems to be little trace of it in classic antiquity when the nates were regarded as objects of beauty.

Exhibitionism Illustrative Cases A Symbolic Perversion of Courtship The Impulse to Defile The Exhibitionist's Psychic Attitude The Sexual Organs as Fetichs Phallus Worship Adolescent Pride in Sexual Development Exhibitionism of the Nates The Classification of the Forms of Exhibitionism Nature of the Relationship of Exhibitionism to Epilepsy.

Of special frequency and intensity are those which impart to the mouth and the mucous membrane of the anus the rôle of genitals. We have learned to know them as carriers of new sexual aims, such as peeping mania, exhibitionism, and the actively and passively formed impulses of cruelty.

Close observation of the correlation of somatic and psychic development in extreme examples of these children corroborates this view. Jonathan Hutchinson has described full-busted children of London already boasting of their affairs. At puberty, when the sex glands bloom, and the complex of the sex instincts is activated, exhibitionism manifests itself in a host of guises and disguises.

And in addition to this the infantile sexual components of exhibitionism find satisfaction, for whose gratification the covering of the procreation mystery is made of glass. The fire is one of the most frequent love symbols in dreams. Language also is wont to speak of the fire of love, of the consuming flames of passion, of ardent desires, etc.

In the closest relation to the thyroid appear the instincts first isolated, so to speak, by McDougall as the instincts of self-display and self-effacement, accompanied by emotions of pride and shame respectively. In certain states of excessive thyroid activity there is an extra stimulation of the instinctive display of the person which may go on to boasting, mania and exhibitionism.

Another somewhat similar American case, also preceded by overwork, and eventually adjudged insane by the courts, is recorded by D.S. Booth, Alienist and Neurologist, February, 1905. Exhibitionism in epilepsy is briefly discussed by Féré, L'Instinct Sexuel, second edition, pp. 194-195. W.S. Colman, "Post-Epileptic Unconscious Automatic Actions," Lancet, July 5, 1890.