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'He is on air, decided Mother finally. 'He's written his great Story our story. It's finished! It came to me while I was thinking of something else 'Thinking of one thing while you were thinking of another! cried Monkey. It described exaccurately his state of mind sometimes. -and I jotted down the lines on my cuff. So it's not very perfect yet. Mother had him by the arm quickly. Mlle.

He could not get the pattern through complete. And his older friend, working among the disjointed patterns, saw his trouble clearly too. It was not that he lacked this sympathy that starlight brings, but that he applied it without discernment. The receiving instrument was out of order, some parts moving faster than others. Reason and imagination were not exaccurately adjusted.

Only his simple scale of personal living could make these things possible at all. Yet here, at least, he would know that every penny went exaccurately where it was meant to go, and accomplished the precise purpose it was intended to accomplish.

'What will he think of Tante Jeanne? Her little torrent of questions that prejudged him thus never called for accurate answers as a rule, but this time she meant to have an answer. 'What is he exaccurately? she added, using her own invention made up of 'exact' and 'accurate.

But she only held the centre of the stage a minute, for Monkey entered at her heels, bursting with delight in a long green macintosh thrown over another tweed skirt that hid her feet and even trailed behind. A pair of yellow spats were visible sometimes that spread fan-shaped over her boots and climbed half-way up the fat legs. 'It all fits me exaccurately, was her opinion.

Her room was a record of their sequence from week to week. And Jimbo knew exactly where to find them first; his mind was a time-table of flowers as well as of trains, dates of arrival, and stations where they grew. He knew it all exaccurately. This kind of fact with him was never wumbled. 'Soon the sabot de Venus will be in flower at the Creux du Van, but it takes time to find it.

Otherwise the darkness would simply fall in lumps, and lie about in pools and blocks, unfinished a ruin instead of a building. Everything must have a scaffolding first. Look how beautifully it's coming now, he added, pointing, 'each shadow in its place, and all the lines of grey and black fitting exaccurately together like a skeleton. Have you never noticed it before?

'Exaccurately, I knew it already! was the reply, turning a somersault like a wheel of twirling meteors close to the old lady's nose. 'Carefully, now! said their leader. 'And hurry up! There's not much we can do here, and there's heaps to do elsewhere. We must remember Mother and Daddy before the Interfering Sun is up, you know.