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We breathed the hot atmosphere with difficulty and displeasure. Right glad were we then, at length, to reach the Wady Taghijah, where I at once recognised my old desert friend, under whose spreading and heavy boughs I once had passed a night alone in the Sahara, the ethel-tree!

The valley of Tabea is a pleasant place, having herbage for the camels in abundance, as is the case wherever the ethel-tree is found. There are several wells with water near the surface, and others might no doubt be dug all over the wady. Our encampment looked picturesque this evening. It is the eve of Ramadhan, and our people fired shots here and there to celebrate the occasion. 10th.

This is a sandy valley, with herbage for the camels; the water, not very good, is a few feet from the surface, and issues from some rocks. There are no date-palms about the well, as reported, but a few stunted ones are found a mile or two higher up. The surface of the desert is broken into small mounds, crowned with the ethel-tree.

We glanced back in awe, and yet in some triumph, towards the iron-bound desert we had thus safely traversed; but our eyes soon turned from so bleak a prospect, when we beheld, dotting the sandy wady, clumps of the wild palm, green copses, and the majestic ethel-tree. It was about two in the afternoon when we reached the camping-ground, all our people shouting, "Be-Selameh el Hamadah!"

He mustered strength sufficient to scramble to an ethel-tree on an elevated spot, intending to light a fire, but, unable to move about, he could gather no wood. Having rested after dark for an hour or two, he once more rose, and discovered in the south-west a large fire. Again he fired his pistols, but no answer was returned.

Their country is pleasanter than themselves, certainly the most picturesque piece of desert I have seen since leaving Tripoli. A range of lofty black mountains extends on the east, with mounds of sand and smaller hills at their base, dotted with the beautiful ethel-tree; palms rise in abundance on all sides; gardens surround the wells; and animals feed about on the plain.

Leave Mizdah Gloomy Country Matrimonial Squabbles in the Caravan "Playing at Powder" Desert Geology A Roman Mausoleum Sport A Bully tamed Fatiguing March Wady Taghijah Our old Friend the Ethel-Tree The Waled Bou Seif Independent Arabs A splendid Mausoleum One of the Nagahs foals Division of a Goat March over a monotonous Country Valley of Amjam Two new Trees Saluting the New Moon Sight the Plateau of the Hamadah Wady Tubooneeah Travelling Flies The Desert Hour A secluded Oasis Buying Barley Ghareeah Roman Remains Oasian Cultivation Taxation Sand-Pillar Arrangements for crossing the Hamadah An Emeute in the Caravan Are compelled to discharge the quarrelsome Ali.