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When Samuel, the Essene, left Tyre, bearing the letter and the ring of Miriam, he journeyed to Jerusalem to find the Holy City but a heap of ruins, haunted by hyaenas and birds of prey that feasted on the innumerable dead.

"None," answered Nehushta; "still, there is time to thank this faithful messenger." "Ay," said Marcus. "Man, what reward do you seek? Whatever it be it shall be paid to you who have endured so much. Yes, it shall be paid, though here and now I have no money." "I seek no reward," replied the Essene, "who have but fulfilled my promise and done my duty." "Yet Heaven shall reward you," said Nehushta.

The shepherd, he now heard, was an Essene, but he lived among the hills, and Joseph remembered the striped shirt, the sheepskin and the long stride.

And the sickness, he admitted, might have been brought about by the shock of hearing thee speak of thyself as the Messiah. But, Paul, I did not speak of myself as the Messiah, but as an Essene who during some frenzied months believed himself to be the Messiah.

There are suggestions of Pythagoreanism and possibly of Zoroastrianism; it can only be said that various ideas were in the air of Palestine, and that the Essene formulation was effected under conditions and at a time not known to us. Essenism seems not to have affected the Jewish religious ideas of the time.

"A brother of my late wife is an Essene, a kindly natured fool named Ithiel; you may have known him." "Oh, yes, I know him. He is one of their curators and the guardian of the lady Miriam, his great-niece." The old man started violently, then, recovering himself, said: "Forgive me, but Miriam was the name of my lost wife one which it disturbs me to hear.

But no Essene appeared, for the good reason that they had fled already. In the end he was seized by a patrol of Roman soldiers who had observed him hovering about the place and questioned him very strictly as to his business. He replied that it was to gather herbs for food, whereon their officer said that they would find him food and with it some useful work.

So the Essene messengers went back to Jerusalem, and the Christian elders prayed with her, and having blessed her and consigned her to the care of the Most High and His Son, their Lord, departed to Pella, where, as it was fated, through all those dreadful times not a hair of their heads was touched.

It was pointed out in language that became vehement for an Essene that so much power should not be left in the hands of one fixed set of individuals, who might become careless or prejudiced, or, worst of all, neglectful of the welfare of the child who was the guest not of them only, but of the whole order.

The word "heart" startled Joseph out of himself, and his eyes falling at that moment on the Essene he was moved to these words: Father, I could never disobey thee. Let me stay, put me to the tests. But the tests are long, the president answered; we would not suffer you to return to Jericho to-night, even if you wished it. Your mule is tired and would be swept away by the descending flood.