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Triassic. : 21. Monotrema. Promammalia. : 21. Ornithodelphia. Echidna. Ornithorhyncus. Jurassic. : 22. Marsupalia. Prodidelphia. : 22. Didelphia. Didelphys. Perameles. Cretaceous. : 23. Mallotheria. Prochoriata. : 23. Insectivora. Erinaceida. Older Eocene. : 24. Lemuravida. Older lemurs. Dentition. 3. 1. 4. 3. : 24. Pachylemures. Neo-Eocene. : 25. Lemurogona. Later lemurs.

MARINE MAMMALS. The carnivorous mammals of the sea whales, seals, walruses, etc. seem to have been derived from some of the creodonts of the early Tertiary by adaptation to aquatic life. Whales evolved from some land ancestry at a very early date in the Tertiary; in the marine deposits of the Eocene are found the bones of the Zeuglodon, a whalelike creature seventy feet in length.

As I, for one, persistently proclaim that the beginning of religion is an inscrutable mystery, the Nemesis has somehow left me scatheless, propitiated by my piety. Still more Nemesis The new Nemesis is really that which I have just put far from me namely, that 'modern savages represent everywhere the Eocene stratum of religion. They probably represent an early stage in religion, just as, teste.

As this miliolitic stone never occurs in the Faluns, or Upper Miocene strata of Brittany and Touraine, it often furnishes the geologist with a useful criterion for distinguishing the detached Eocene and Upper Miocene formations scattered over those and other adjoining provinces.

In the remote Eocene period the same temperate lands were inhabited by lemurs in the East, and by curious animals believed to be intermediate between lemurs and marmosets in the West.

It is quite probable, however, that they may yet be found in Eocene strata, since examples of their highest representatives, the anthropoid or manlike apes, have been found in Miocene rocks. The fact that these large apes are now few in number of species, is no proof that many forms of them may not have formerly existed, and among these we may class the ancestor of man.

In all these things you and I had our part and lot; of this prodigal outpouring of life we have reaped the benefit; amid these bizarre forms and this carnival of lust and power, the manward impulse was nourished and forwarded. In Eocene times nearly half the mammals lived on other animals; it must have been an age of great slaughter.

There is nothing, then, in what is known of the older Eocene mammals of the Arctogaeal province to forbid the supposition that they stood in an ancestral relation to those of the Calcaire Grossier and the Gypsum of the Paris basin, and that our present fauna, therefore, is directly derived from that which already existed in Arctogaea at the commencement of the Tertiary period.

After visiting the spot in 1846, I described the geological position of the bones, and discussed their probable age, with a stronger bias, I must confess, as to the antecedent improbability of the contemporaneous entombment of Man and the mastodon than any geologist would now be justified in entertaining. Modern alluvium of the Mississippi. 2. Loam or loess. 3, f. Eocene. 4.

In this epoch of the world's history we see the first approach to a condition of things resembling that now prevailing, and Sir Charles Lyell has most fitly named its three divisions, the "Eocene," or the dawn, the "Miocene," meaning the continuance and increase of that light, and lastly, the "Pliocene," signifying its fulness and completion.