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The other opossum is the black and white Didelphys azarae; and it is indeed strange to find this animal on the pampas, although its presence there is not so mysterious as that of the tuco-tuco. It shuffles along slowly and awkwardly on the ground, but is a great traveller nevertheless.

Right ramus of lower jaw. Natural size. Part of lower jaw of Tupaia tana. Twice natural size. Part of lower jaw of Didelphys Azarae; recent, Brazil. Natural size. Amphitherium Prevostii, Cuvier sp. Stonesfield Slate. Syn. Thylacotherium Prevostii, Valenc. a. Coronoid process. b. Condyle. c. Angle of jaw. d. Amphitheriumm Broderipii, Owen. Natural size.

Natural size. b. The second mammiferous genus discovered in the same slates was named originally by Mr. It manifests a much stronger likeness to the marsupials in the general form of the jaw, and in the extent and position of its inflected angle, while the agreement with the living genus Didelphys in the number of the pre-molar and molar teeth is complete.

To finish with the mammalia, there are two interesting opossums, both of the genus Didelphys, but in habits as wide apart as cat from otter. One of these marsupials appears so much at home on the plains that I almost regret having said that the vizcacha alone gives us the idea of being in its habits the product of the pampas.

Triassic. : 21. Monotrema. Promammalia. : 21. Ornithodelphia. Echidna. Ornithorhyncus. Jurassic. : 22. Marsupalia. Prodidelphia. : 22. Didelphia. Didelphys. Perameles. Cretaceous. : 23. Mallotheria. Prochoriata. : 23. Insectivora. Erinaceida. Older Eocene. : 24. Lemuravida. Older lemurs. Dentition. 3. 1. 4. 3. : 24. Pachylemures. Neo-Eocene. : 25. Lemurogona. Later lemurs.

This animal Didelphys crassicaudata has a long slender, wedge-, shaped head and body, admirably adapted for pushing through the thick grass and rushes; for it is both terrestrial and aquatic, therefore well suited to inhabit low, level plains liable to be flooded.