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The boy stared at him in horrified amazement. "Burn 'em! Oh, Walker!" "What's your name?" demanded Reginald. "Why, Love," replied the boy, in a tone as if to say you had only to look at him to know his name. "Well then, young Love, clear these things away and come and make a start with these envelopes." "No fear. I ain't got to do no envellups. You're got to do 'em."

And we sent off millions on 'em last week. My eye, wasn't it a treat lickin' up the envellups!" "Do you mean to say a lot of the circulars have been sent already?" "'Undreds of grillions on 'em," replied the boy. Of course it was no use after that delaying these; so Reginald finished off his task, not a little vexed at the mistake, and determined to have it put right without delay.

Then Reginald woke him and carried him off to his own bed, where he dropped off into another long sleep which lasted till midday. After partaking of the meal his benefactor had ready for him on waking, he seemed more like himself, and disposed to make himself useful. "Ain't got no envellups to lick, then?" said he, looking round the deserted room.

"You 'member 'bout last Communion Sunday," went on the little girl, "when they hand roun' the little envellups and telled all the folks what was willing to give five dollars more on the pastor's sal'y just to write his name; so Alfred he so frisky 'cause he know how to write; so he tooken one of the little envellups and wroten 'Alfred Gage' on it; so when his papa find out 'bout it he say that kid got to work and pay that five dollars hi'self, 'cause he done sign his name to it."

Yes, you've got to address them there envellups, and 'e'll be up in the morning." This was depressing. Reginald's castles in the air were beginning to tumble about his ears in rapid succession. The bare room he could excuse, on the ground that the Corporation was only just beginning its operations. Doubtless the carpet was on order, and was to be delivered soon.