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If business were to tolerate a repetition of mistakes, its general level of productivity which, in turn, means income to its employees would be lowered immediately. This would operate against the very thing we are trying to sponsor increased responsibility and more full living for all as soon as they earn it.

The Brahmins are the "gold" employees, white American citizens with all the advantages and privileges thereto appertaining. But and herein we out-Hindu the Hindus the Brahmin caste itself is divided and subdivided into infinitesimal gradations.

"Hullo, there's that handbill man now," cried Tom, as Giles Frozzler came into the tent. "Won't he laugh when he sees how Sam and Fred have been stuck?" Two of the circus employees were near by and from their talk Fred learned that the showbill man was the proprietor of the circus.

"'We are thinking of taking all the children of the railway employees, and establishing a school and pension for them where they can get good meals and be taught. We will provide you with a house and appointments, and you will get a good salary into the bargain. Your wife will be mother to our railway children, and you will be general manager of the establishment. Will you take the post?

Long live Spain! Long live the Church! Long live the priests! Long live the Catholic religion!" "Viva! Viva!" replied the others. "Long live the Alcalde!" The Alcalde majestically descended to the accompaniment of the music which had begun to play. He placed some trowels of mortar on the stone and with equal majesty ascended the stairs. The Government employees applauded.

Madame Beaumont was a guest such as the Hotel Lotus loved. She possessed the fine air of the élite, tempered and sweetened by a cordial graciousness that made the hotel employees her slaves.

There is a regrettable tendency among some scientific men to try to build barbed-wire fences around particular fields of research in which they happen to be interested, and to shoo every one else away. At the outset I gave all employees clearly to understand that such an unscientific and ungenerous spirit would not be tolerated in the Bureau of Government Laboratories.

Thus our people might have the opportunity of extending their sales beyond the limits of home consumption, saving them from the depression, interruption in business, and loss caused by a glutted domestic market and affording their employees more certain and steady labor, with its resulting quiet and contentment.

In consequence nothing is easier than to make a schedule for the day's work begin late and end late, without making any other alteration in it. The following schedule, however, combines an early breakfast and a late dinner, in a family where only two employees were kept: EIGHT HOUR SCHEDULES FOR THREE EMPLOYEES

Employees leaving the Elgin Watch Company factory. The girl, educated to earn her living in the market of the world, no longer marries simply because no other career is open to her; when she does marry, she is less likely than formerly, statistics tell us, to have children the only remaining work which, in these days, definitely requires a home.