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She becomes his guardian for the purpose of so educating him that, on going out, he shall live an upright, harmless life. What rights remain to the imprisoned?

Ah! it is a famous tool, is a workman's hand! But an educated man's brain is a far more wonderful thing still, and that tool you have, thanks to God in the first place, and to your mother in the second. It was she had the notion of educating you, I only followed her lead. Your work will be lighter than mine, but you must do it.

Parallel with this movement for educating the "working-class," there was the scheme for the improvement of middle-class education, which was then going on at Oxford the beginning of University Extension supported by the Rev. Ruskin was heartily for them; and in a letter on the subject, he tried to show how the teaching of Art might be made to work in with the scheme.

In the rooming-house, with her aunt and uncle and the transient roomers, naturally there had been no refinement of any sort. Nor, in spite of its luxury and its boast of educating the daughters of "our best families," had the expensive boarding-school to which the trust company in their blindness condemned their ward added much to Adelle's spiritual opportunities.

The light which I gaze on and am blest, would strike the crowd I do not deny it with blindness " "And nevertheless you blind our disciples with the dangerous glare-" "I am educating them for future sages." "And that with the hot overflow of a heart intoxicated with love!" "Ameni!"

The initial task of the hypnotist is to create, by educating the prospective subject, a favorable attitude so that the subject allows himself to be hypnotized. What does this mean specifically to you if you are having difficulty learning self-hypnosis? It means that through repeated exposures, you will finally respond. You will realize there is no need for anxiety in regard to your response.

"You said that the highest good was attained by passing through struggles and temptations." "Think of it in this way," said Charles Osmond. "The Father is educating His children; what education was ever brought about without pain?

It is only of recent years that the women in India were considered worth educating, and even now only about half a million in this vast country, with a female population of 150,000,000, can read and write.

This heresy, which scarcely would have been allowed to penetrate a Boston mind it would, indeed, have been shut out by instinct as a rather foolish exaggeration rested on an experience which Henry Adams gravely thought he had a right to think conclusive for him. That it should be conclusive for any one else never occurred to him, since he had no thought of educating anybody else.

'They mean nobly, she said, to fill an extending gap in the conversation under a blush; and conscious of an ultra-swollen phrase, she snatched at it nervously to correct it: 'They are becoming alive to the necessity for action. But she was talking to a soldier! 'I mean, their heads are opening. It sounded ludicrous. 'They are educating themselves differently. Were they?