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These hillocks were called by the French buttes, and some of them are still very perceptible, such as in the rue des Saints-Pères, by the rue St-Guillaume, the rue Meslay, the rue de l'Observance, near the École de Médecine, and several other places; indeed, on each side of the Seine Paris rises as you proceed to the Faubourgs.

One had gained some notoriety as a painter, the other was a student at the ecole polytechnique. We resumed our rambles in the woods and our discussions. This, I am convinced, was of great use to me, as our different ways of looking at things enabled me to judge of characters, and to appreciate differing opinions.

Deprived of these special pupils, they found themselves in a situation analogous to that of those charged with historical instruction at the Collège de France. They too were not, as a rule, technical experts. The function of training the future teachers for secondary education was reserved for the École normale supérieure.

When they talked together on school outings, or as they walked along beside the walls of Stanislas, had they ever foreseen this destiny? Certainly not Jean Krebs, with his positive spirit; he only saw ahead the École polytechnique, and thought of nothing but preparation for that. But Guynemer?

But the following years were to see the flowing back of Catholicism into literature, the Universities, the Ecole Normale. Twenty years later I quoted this remark of Scherer's to a young French philosopher. "True, for its date," he said. But they are all Modernists!"

"His admission into some college in Paris." "Pooh! You have enough beggars around you without my swelling their number." "You hear; he is to come to Paris and enter college. When he is old enough, I will send him to the Ecole Militare, or some other school which I shall have founded before then."

It is only a little leap, but it impresses your illogical minds as no skilfulness in the voltes and no haute ecole airs could do, for leaping is the crowning accomplishment of riding in the eyes of all your male friends except the cavalryman, and when he returns to the reception room, you linger in the hope of a little lecture, and you are not disappointed.

It has, however, another function, and that is the coordination of training and life; it is in a sense an école d'application, and through it the student, for once in a way, tries out his acquired mental equipment and his expanding character as well as his physical prowess against the circumstances of active vitality.

On this occasion one could see how far the official artists were carried by their hatred of the Impressionists. A group of Academicians, professors at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, threatened the minister that they would resign en masse.

Martin, he grossly insulted this young man, who was, I think, an eleve of the Ecole Polytechnique, and a duel took place, under the lamp-post near the theatre, with swords. He ran F through the body, and left him dead upon the ground. The late Marshal St. A and General J were great duellists at this time, with a whole host of others whose names I forget.