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It proves him to possess the stuff of a Tyrtaeus or a Körner, something vastly more stirring and stimulating than the usual staple of "The dry-tongued laurel's pattering talk." Howbeit, late may he have call for another war-song! With the name of Tennyson we reach the term of our Laureate calendar.

He lay on his side, the cords that bound his legs so tight as to bite into his tender flesh and shut off the circulation. Also, he was perishing for water, and panted, dry-tongued, dry-mouthed, in the stagnant heat.

The millionaire gave him the shrewdest of over-looks, ending with a deep-rumbling laugh. "Kent, you are the queerest lot I have ever discovered, and that is saying a good bit. Why, in the name of all the proprieties, should I object?" "Your right is unchallenged," Kent admitted. "Is it? Better ask Miss Brentwood about that. She might say it isn't." "I don't understand," said Kent, dry-tongued.

He managed to ask, dry-tongued and with a heart that beat into his throat, "Is Miss Simpson at home?" and the girl answered, with a high, gay tinkle: "Yes, she's at home. Won't you walk in?" He obeyed, but at the sound of her silvery voice his heart dropped back into his breast. He put his hat and coat on an entry chair, and prepared to follow her into the room she had come out of.

She smiled at him in the glass, and said, "Where's Captain Davis?" "Captain Davis?" gasped the colonel, dry-tongued with anxiety and fatigue. "Oh! He's down there. He'll be up directly." She turned and came forward to him: "How do you like it?" Then she advanced near enough to encounter the moustache: "Why, how heated and tired you look!" "Yes, yes, we've been walking.

I have crouched in chill desert places warming my hands at fires builded of camel's dung; and I have lain in the meagre shade of sun-parched sage-brush by dry water-holes and yearned dry-tongued for water, while about me, dismembered and scattered in the alkali, were the bones of men and beasts who had yearned and died. I have been sea-cuny and bravo, scholar and recluse.