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We are all docile dough-faces, They knead us with the fist, They, the dashing southern lords, We labor as they list; For them we speak or hold our tongues, For them we turn and twist. We join them in their howl against Free soil and "abolition," That firebrand that assassin knife Which risk our land's condition, And leave no peace of life to any Dough-faced politician.

You know," he went on as the wine gurgled out, "I was thinking to-night when they sprung the wedding music, how any fool can have that stuff played over him when he walks up the aisle with some dough-faced little hussy who's hooked him. But it isn't every fellow who can see well, what we saw tonight. There are compensations in life, Dr. Howard Archie, though they come in disguise.

"You dough-faced dub, don't you see you create suspicion by refusing to meet people? And, listen! If this is a cop, bluff hard! I'll shoot up the whole Bureau before they get me!" He vanished, moving with a silence and celerity that were almost uncanny in so huge a man. Phillips knocked and thrust his head in. He looked scared yet profoundly relieved. "Mr.

Indeed, he caught himself thinking that he knew very little whatever of his son; but he distinctly remembered an unsatisfied, dough-faced youth who took delight in "calling down the old man," and reducing his mother to tears such a person as adds to the gaiety of public rooms and hotel piazzas, where the ingenuous young of the wealthy play with or revile the bell-boys.

He said all right, but just let him catch that little dough-faced Perkins young one in his yard once more and she'd have reason to remember the call, which was just as rude and impolite as our trying to lead him to a purer and a better life. Then Uncle Jerry and Mr.