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The tyranny of Maria Theresa had compelled me to marriage with a wretch who succeeded in beguiling me to the altar by a lie. I swore to revenge myself, and you have been the instrument of my revenge. The woman who could condescend to leave her home with you, is so doubly-dyed in disgrace that Count Esterhazy can no longer refuse to grant her a divorce.

Thus, and not otherwise, do all youthful equestrians feel, excepting those doubly-dyed in conceit, who fancy that they have mastered a whole art in less than twelve hours. You certainly are not a good rider, and yet you have received instruction on almost every point in regard to which you would need to know anything in an ordinary ride on a good road.

When I recovered from the shock, the noise and elemental din were such that I could distinguish nothing. I waited a moment or two and then spoke. I received no answer. Half maddened, I got up and struck a fresh light, and looked around me. The traitor, the doubly-dyed villain had gone, he had taken the horse, and there was not a trace of him left.

North try your hand on him." I was speechless at his audacity, and must have shown my disgust in my face, for he coloured slightly, and as we were leaving the yard, he endeavoured to excuse himself, by saying that it was no use preaching to stones, and such doubly-dyed villains as this Dawes were past hope. "I know the ruffian of old," said he.

Oswald, with the words of the dastardly confession he had partly overheard searing hot within his brain! Oswald, raised in a moment from the desponding invalid to a terrifying ministrant of retributive justice. Orlando could scarcely raise his hand before the other's was upon his throat. "Murderer! doubly-dyed murderer of innocent women!" was hissed in the strong man's ears.

"Why have you brought me to this here at night alone with you to tell me this to make me me oh, change in my feelings to you? Oh, must I say it?" she cried "tell you the truth that that now since I see you as you are I I, I am willing to go!" "Hush, Helen, my child, my God don't crush me don't listen, child listen! I am a villain a doubly-dyed, infamous one when you hear"

Gray leaned out over the breast-work, gave his hand to the young man, and, with a little exercise of his muscular strength, half-drew, half-aided him to climb into the stronghold just as Captain Smithers and Tom Long leaped upon them, seizing each his man, and holding his sword to his throat. "You doubly-dyed scoundrel!" cried Captain Smithers. "Caught him in the act! Call the guard there!"