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Any girl would get enough with the pack at her heels day in and day out. Besides she's done for unless she looses Quarrier and starts on a duke-hunt over in Blinky's country! … Is anybody on for a sail? Is anybody on for anything? No? Oh, very well. Shove that decanter north by west, Billy." This was characteristic of the dog-days at Shotover.

Go back to town, buy your horse, and then come down here my dear William, to oblige your uncle never mind the dog-days. "'Well, sir, if I am to make a sacrifice, it shall not be done by halves; out of respect for you I will even marry in July, without any regard to the thermometer. "'You are a good boy, William. Do you want a cheque?

Let us choose for the purpose a middle point between the departing summer and the approaching winter, about the end of October, and bear in mind that the dog-days come in August, so that at the end of July they are in waiting, then we find for the time spent in the receptacle nine monthsthe time of human gestation. What shall he be fed with if not with the water from the mill?

"'What in the world, Skipper, does this mean? says he. 'We're sailing right into a snow-storm in dog-days and in a clear sky. "By this time we had got near enough to hear a great rushing noise in the air, every moment growing louder and louder. "'It's only a storm of gannets, says I. "'Sure enough! says he; 'but I wouldn't have believed it possible.

Even the height of the dog-days, there is a good deal of fun about New York, if you only avoid fluster, and take all the buoyant wholesomeness that offers. More comfort, too, than most folks think.

Go back to town, buy your horse, and then come down here, my dear William, to oblige your uncle never mind the dog-days. "`Well, sir, if I am to make a sacrifice, it shall not be done by halves; out of respect for you I will even marry in July, without any regard to the thermometer. "`You are a good boy, William. Do you want a cheque?

He insisted in all botanising and other walking excursions on going bareheaded, even in the heat of the dog-days; he declared that the action of the sun did him good. When the days began to turn, the summer was straightway at an end for him: "My imagination," he said, in a phrase which went further through his life than he supposed, "at once brings winter."

Would the heavy chestnut be very pleasant in the heat of the dog-days; should I prefer to have it hot from the stove, rather than the gooseberry, the strawberry, the refreshing fruits which the earth takes care to provide for me.

"It seems to me we do nothing but talk," said Bessie, after a long evening on the piazza with several visitors. "The dog-days were intended for conversation," said Hugh. "Our hands and our brains are busily employed all the rest of the year, but when the thermometer gets up into the nineties, the tongue talks its share and gives the other members a rest."

"Oh, yes, both did; but the Lieutenant-Colonel was told by the President, that if General Burnside were to order the President to make a requisition in dog-days for old Spartan metal helmets for his Regiment, he would make the requisition. "Said the Colonel, 'the President of the United States is by the Regulations empowered to prescribe the uniform.