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He is neither Free Will, nor Wilfulness, nor Inclination, but the quality which metaphysicians and theologians agree in describing as 'the Will. 'The Will' simply a subtle something of great importance; but what it is they have never been able to explain. Lord Will be Will inquired Diabolus's business. Diabolus, 'meek as a lamb, said he was a neighbour of theirs.

Hell-fire! so that nothing for a while throughout the town of Mansoul could be heard but the direful noise of 'Hell-fire! together with the roaring of Diabolus's drum. And now did the clouds hang black over Mansoul, nor to reason did anything but ruin seem to attend it. Diabolus also quartered his soldiers in the houses of the inhabitants of the town of Mansoul.

There, there shall be no more plots, nor contrivances, nor designs against thee, O my Mansoul. There thou shalt no more hear the evil-tidings, or the noise of the Diabolonian drum. There thou shalt not see the Diabolonian standard-bearers, nor yet behold Diabolus's standard.

And, being all ready, Captain Credence went up to the head of the army, and gave to the rest of the captains the word, and so they to their under-officers and soldiers: the word was 'The sword of the Prince Emmanuel, and the shield of Captain Credence; which is, in the Mansoulian tongue, 'The word of God and faith. Then the captains fell on, and began roundly to front, and flank, and rear Diabolus's camp.

Diabolus's army attacked Eargate, stormed the walls, forced their way into the town, and captured the whole of it except the castle. Then 'Mansoul became a den of dragons, an emblem of Hell, a place of total darkness. 'Mr.

Boanerges will agree to no conditions with rebels. Incredulity and Will be Will advise the people to stand by their rights, and refuse to submit to 'unlimited' power. The war goes on, and Incredulity is made Diabolus's universal deputy. Conscience and Understanding, the old Recorder and Mayor, raise a mutiny, and there is a fight in the streets.

Knowledge was made Recorder, 'not out of contempt for old Conscience, who was by-and-bye to have another employment. Diabolus's image was taken down and broken to pieces, and the inhabitants of Mansoul were so happy that they sang of Emmanuel in their sleep. Justice, however, remained to be done on the hardened and impenitent.

'Mansoul, they said, 'shall be so cumbered with abundance, that they shall be forced to make their castle a warehouse. Wealth once made the first object of existence, 'Diabolus's gang will have easy entrance, and the castle will be our own. Political economy was still sleeping in the womb of futurity.

Now the victory that day being turned to Mansoul, did put great valour into the townsmen and captains, and did cover Diabolus's camp with a cloud, but withal it made them far more furious. So the next day Mansoul rested, and commanded that the bells should be rung; the trumpets also joyfully sounded, and the captains shouted round the town.

For as there is nothing to the town of Mansoul so terrible as the roaring of Diabolus's drum, so there is nothing to Diabolus so terrible as the well playing of Emmanuel's slings. Wherefore Diabolus was forced to make another retreat, yet further off from the famous town of Mansoul.