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At these places they are larger than in other parts of the body, and are closely grouped, forming the parallel curved ridges which cover the surfaces. *The Epidermis* is much thinner than the dermis. It is made up of several layers of cells which are flat and scale-like at the surface, but are rounded in form where the epidermis joins the dermis.

These secrete an oily liquid which keeps the hair and cuticle soft and pliable. Attached to the inner ends of the follicles are small, involuntary muscles whose contractions cause the roughened condition of the skin that occurs on exposure to cold. *A Nail* is a tough and rather horny plate of epidermal tissue which grows from a depression in the dermis, called the matrix.

A term applied to the violent action from drugs which supervenes after the taking of several doses with little or no effect. Scarf skin; the epidermis. The true skin, also called the dermis. The crossing or running of one portion athwart another. A change in the structure of any organ which makes it less fit to perform its duty. The process of swallowing. Deltoid.

It is estimated to have an area of from 14 to 16 square feet, and to have a thickness which varies from less than one eighth to more than one fourth of an inch. It is thickest on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, the places where it is most subject to wear. *The Dermis.*—This is the thicker and heavier of the two layers, and is made up chiefly of connective tissue.

The skin is remarkably complex in its structure, and is divided into two distinct layers, which may be readily separated: the deeper layer, the true skin, dermis, or corium; and the superficial layer, or outer skin, the epidermis, cuticle, or scarf skin. The true skin consists of elastic and white fibrous tissue, the bundles of which interlace in every direction.

Material for the growth of the nail is derived from the matrix, which is lined with active epidermal cells and is richly supplied with blood vessels. The cuticle adheres to the nail around its entire circumference so that the covering over the dermis is complete. *Functions of the Skin.*—The chief function of the skin is that of protection.

This oil becomes one ingredient in the milk produced by the transformed gland. But there is another important constituent. When one does unaccustomed manual work the ordinary result is the formation of a blister. The epidermis, or scarfskin, becomes detached from the dermis, or true skin, and the space between the two rapidly fills with the fluid portion of the blood, known as lymph.

The epidermis is the main protective agent against attacks of germs, but should the epidermis be broken, they meet with further resistance from the fluids of the dermis and the white corpuscles of the blood. From an excessive evaporation of liquid from the surface of the body.

The network of tough fibers which this tissue supplies, forms the essential body of the dermis and gives to it its power of resistance. It is on account of the connective tissue that the skins of animals can be converted into leather by tanning. These aid in different ways in the work of the skin. Epidermis, b. Pigment layer. c. Papillæ, d. Dermis. e. Fatty tissue. f, g, h.