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And therewithal they be so proud, that they know not how to be clothed; now long, now short, now strait, now large, now sworded, now daggered, and in all manner guises. They should be simple, meek and true, and full of alms- deeds, as Jesu was, in whom they trow; but they be all the contrary, and ever inclined to the evil, and to do evil.

And also the Cristene men enforcen hem, in alle maneres that thei mowen, for to fighte, and for to desceyven that on that other. And there with alle thei ben so proude, that thei knowen not how to ben clothed; now long, now schort, now streyt, now large, now swerded, now daggered, and in alle manere gyses.

There were about two hundred Indians, it is supposed, on board at this time; they first daggered Captain Porter several times in the back, put him in a canoe alongside, and carried him on shore; and, as we were afterwards informed by Captain Smith, of the ship Mary, of Boston, who was informed by the New Hecta tribe, was by them tied to a tree, in which unhappy and miserable situation he languished fifteen days, refusing every species of nourishment offered him by these savages, occasioned by his grief at this unfortunate accident.

He arose also, but she declined the courtesy. "Keep your seat," she said, "and don't be alarmed, I'm not preparing to have you daggered or garroted. Entirely the reverse, Guy. I've decided to offer terms: to capitulate; to throw the whole thing over; to betray my mission and get out of the service forever. No, don't smile incredulously, I mean it." "Good Lord!" thought Harleston.

Then she knew he was fumbling for and finding some shining fragment and scoring it down the yellowing hair, and unconsciously her voice forsook the wild war-tunes and drifted into the half-gay, half-melancholy Rosin the Bow. Suddenly she woke pierced with a pang, and the daggered tooth penetrating her flesh; dreaming of safety, she had ceased singing and lost it.

The twilight hours advance from long landshadows, dispersed, lagging, languideyed, their cheeks delicate with cipria and false faint bloom. MAGINNI: Avant huit! Traversé! Salut! Cours de mains! Croisé! Morning, noon and twilight hours retreat before them. They are masked, with daggered hair and bracelets of dull bells. THE BRACELETS: Heigho! Heigho!

Or rather, let us say, he had taken a longer step backward toward the primitive. Daggered amour-propre is rarely a benign wound. Oftener than not it gangrenes, and there is loss of sound tissue and the setting-up of strange and malevolent growth. With the passing of the first healthful shock of honest resentment, Tom became a man of one idea.

"Hey! vive Dieu! sire, she daggered him finely!" The Comte d'Herouville, one of the most rabid royalists in Normandy, kept the part of that province which adjoins Brittany under subjection to Henri IV. by the rigor of his executions.