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"Z-afrai'," said Mazaro; "d'they frai' to do an'teen een d-these-a crowth." "That's so," said the Irishman; "I say, that's so. If I don't feel very much like go-un, I'll not go; I say, I'll not go. We've no business to-night, eh Mazaro?" "No, Senor." A second evening was much the same, Mazaro repeating his warning.

Nothin' at all absolutely nothin'! Why don't the 'eads come an' bloody well fight it out amongst theirselves why don't King George 'ave a go wi' Kaiser Bill? What d'they want ter drag us out 'ere for ter do their dirty work for 'em? If I was ter 'ave a row wi' another bloke, I'd take me coat orf an' set about 'im me bleed'n' self! I wouldn' go an' arst millions an' millions ter die fur me!

They have located four claims adjoining mine, and put up their monuments and done their location work in the past month, if you please, while I supposed they were working for me." "D'they locate you in on 'em?" "Locate me in? You mean, as a partner? They emphatically did not!

I'd hate to die o' sickness...an' they say another kid's kicked off with that what d'they call it? menegitis." "Was that what was the matter with Stein?" "The corporal won't say." "Ole Corp. looks sort o' sick himself," said Fuselli. "It's this rotten climate" whispered Bill Grey, in the middle of a fit of coughing.

"You called it Prison Talk, didn't you?" "Yes," said Jeff. "They called it Prison Talk." "And all our newspapers copied your articles," said Anne, artfully guiding him forward, "the ones you called 'The New Republic." "What d'they want to copy them for?" asked Jeff. "It was a fool thing to do.

They sat up and groaned and yawned and stretched out their arms, or turned round impatiently and went to sleep again. One of them looked at his wrist-watch: "Gorblimy, 'tain't 'alf-past four what the bleed'n' 'ell d'they want to wake us this time of a mornin' for? Some bloody fatigue, I bet yer!" "Wha', ain't it 'ah'-past five?" "'Alf-past five be blowed! 'Tain't 'alf-past four!"