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Then comes the coup d'eclat, one fine morning, every minaret in Constantinople was to ring out with bells, instead of the cry of the Muezzins; and the Imaum, coming out to see what was the matter, was to be encountered by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in pontificalibus, performing Cathedral service in the church of St. Sophia, which was to finish the business.

Both effected the passage of the Great St. Both, by means of this extraordinary feat, achieved the conquest of Lombardy in a single hour; but Charlemagne, without once risking the original impression of this coup d'eclat; Napoleon, on the other hand, so entirely squandering and forfeiting his own success, that in the battle which followed he was at first utterly defeated, and but for the blunder of his enemy, and the sudden aid of an accomplished friend, irretrievably.

'Plein d'éclat, plein de gloire, adoré des mortels, Il reçoit des honneurs qu'on ne doit qu'aux autels." A few days later, the Surintendant arrived at Angers, on his way to Nantes. Arnauld writes, that the Bishop of Angers and himself waited upon the great man to pay their respects. "From the height upon which he stood, all others seemed so far removed from him that he could not recognize them.

We all arrived without accident, and passed a delightful evening, the American officers exerting themselves to give the coup d'eclat to the last ball of the season." "Yes," interrupted the incorrigible Middlemore, as he cracked a hickory nut, "and the balls reserved for us this season will also carry with them the coup de grass."

Ragueneau, Relation des Hurons, 1649, 5. "Le P. Chaumonot vit au milieu de l'assemblee le P. Daniel qui aidait les Peres de ses conseils, et les remplissait d'une force surnaturelle; son visage etait plein de majeste et d'eclat."

We all arrived without accident, and passed a delightful evening, the American officers exerting themselves to give the coup d'eclat to the last ball of the season." "Yes," interrupted the incorrigible Middlemore, as he cracked a hickory nut, "and the balls reserved for us this season will also carry with them the coup de grass."

Of this, Louville, even before the arrival of the Princess, had a presentiment. "I would much rather have Madame de Ventadour," he wrote Torcy. So early as the month of January, 1703, he saw his influence destroyed, foresaw his coming defeat and meditated a coup d'éclat the getting rid of the camerara-mayor.

«Le chalet de Plianpra est situé au milieu d'une assez grande prairie en pente douce du côté de la vallée de Chamouni, et dominée du côté opposé par les rocs nus qui forment les sommités de la chaîne du Bréven. Du bord de cette prairie, on a une très-belle vue du Mont-Blanc, de la vallée de Chamouni et des glaciers qui y aboutissent. Ces mêmes objets se présentent avec bien plus d'éclat de la cime du Bréven; cependant la vue de Plianpra mériteroit bien que ceux qui n'auroient pas la force ou le courage d'aller jusques